Recovery of a REALLY OLD game

@grazer is there a way you can restore a really old game of mine named Temple Tantrum? I have a free account so if I need to delete a game for it to come back I will! I was just wondering if there is a way for me to recover it? Sorry for the hassle!

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If it’s been deleted for a long period of time, most likely it’s already been permanently deleted from the servers and not even grazer could bring it back.

When you accidentally delete a game, I think you only have about a day or so to bring it back before it gets deleted.


Aw man! I am working on a project and I need that old game as a reference! I wish there was a way!

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I just looked, and it appears that the game has been cleaned up already and is not recoverable. Sorry :frowning:


Its okay! I knew it was a longshot but thank you for the response!