Oh my gosh, is that Samuel’s asset pack?
Yep! It’s a great pack for testing and getting things out quickly
recognize it right away lol
I’m sorry for the late reply, I was really busy. But it worked! Thank’s so much!
I have been playing with an idea I had. This is just a prototype. But I would like to make it way better. It is sort of like a google doc’s but for RecrypText.
Also, @Recryptech , do you know any way of making it stop blinking?
@Good_Games It’s because your stats are being input after your start input. If you make the start input last it should fix the blinking as you type issue
Thanks, that helped me realize my mistake.
I have edited the character handler bundle. It really isn’t impressive, but it might be helpful to some users.
It uses labels instead of animations, so you can use the many flowlab fonts.
Wow, this is crazy! How did you get the gradient colors with labels?
The attach feature in labels, it effects the color, size, and alpha. So it worked out easy. I didn’t know about the color function, but I took a guess, and I ended be right.
The only part I wasn’t happy with, is that you have to make a blank animation, since the alpha effects the label.
Hey, @Recryptech ! I have been working on a project, do you mind if I use some of the code from the bundles? Specifically the FX ones?
You can use the bundles as examples, they’re free to use. If you’re going to use them whole-sale, I’d appreciate credit, but it’s not necessary
Thanks! I will give you credit definitely. I am just making another example.
Hey everyone! I’m currently working on version 2.0 of the RecrypText lable bundle which will be a massive update of the text handler, including a complete overhaul of the backend. This is all so that it can work faster, more reliably, and be able to handle differently sized fonts. While I’m working on redoing the system, I have more opportunities to add more features.
If anyone has has noticed, wanted, or needed anything from Recryptext, I’m looking for feedback on how to make it more useful and more approachable so please let me know!
Ooh, I have some requests! It might take me a bit to find my list. I was going to make some of them myself, but you could probably do it better than me, .
Are you still working on this?
he is currently working on the flow of feelings game.
I tried using this so after a certain amount of time the text would shake, but it won’t work. Are there any other ways?
I believe he is still working on this, yes.
Do you have an example that I can look at where this is happening?