Responding To MeBurningSlime's Challenge - The Fourth Civil War of Flowlab

Please stop you’re literally driving me insane

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Hello, you accepting requests to join. Right?


We are… :smiling_imp:

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Oh yes, now I can reveal my final power… :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:


And we have another member of the Justice :b:eague

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Marvel was always better anyways.

Image result for dank memes


You can never kill good people’s spirits

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You DO realize the “war” is over right?


You’re about a few hours too late my dude, lol.
Which i have no room to talk since I didn’t even participate in it much.


You can’t claim my off topic channel

We don’t want it, we at the Old Flowlab Republic only pillage things of value

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ur mean lol

He been doing it for years just ignore him
@grazer @Mhx_Aîr

Honestly, pinging the admins? I’m sorry to inform you, but no bullying has been done this entire time. Plus; the Off-Topic Channel is a huge meme at this point, you shouldn’t be surprised that people react the same way to it as Instagrammers do when someone mentions Reddit :man_shrugging:t2:


I know this topic died down a bit 13 hours ago, but I just want to put forth my insight on all of this. If you want to see it, just click on the “My vantage” text below (warning, it is a doozy). If not, ignore this comment and move on with your day.

My vantage on this Civil War

I’ve said many, many comments ago that I don’t want to pick sides in this war, nor do I want to participate in it. But now that it has devolved into this madness, I think that I should speak out a bit.

So from reading all this, there seems to be a question in the air: Who is being rude or immature, meburningslime or the Old Republic/Justice Beague? Honestly, I think both sides are at fault, but I cannot say who wins this argument. So let me take a few steps back and see what went wrong here.

Remember, I am just trying to give my honest opinions, and I do not mean any harm. If I have said something that offends you, I am sincerely sorry.

Okay, so this whole thread was just to be a big meme. Unfortunately, it did not really live up to its purpose.

As I said in a previous comment, I neither support nor hate the off-topic channel. I just try to avoid it at all costs. This thread was meant to be its own off-topic channel, and two guys making a new one does not mean that the old one has a lot of hate.

So what you both are saying is either everyone is an immature child or a toxic pest? Way to overshoot your weapons here, guys.

This kind of complements meburningslime’s previous statement that 10% of the forums are toxic. Looks like you three are part of that 10%.
Using the “Imagine” slang thing sometimes makes it seem like you are jealous of, spitting on, or expressing toxicity to someone.

First of all, way to bring a knife to a gun fight. Second of all, I feel bad that you have emotional and self-esteem problems. I really do. But using it as a weapon? You could desensitize someone of such a sensitive topic. I used to think that suicide was a joke because of some depression jokes, until a friend of mine told me that she wanted to hurt herself. Now I believe that people should take suicide more seriously. That includes NOT using it as a weapon in an argument.

He’s doing his best. Remember, this topic was for memeing, not attacking each other.

Even if you deleted a bad post, other people could have already seen it. If you are going to post something, take a moment to think about what other people would say if they saw it. If the response would be negative, rewrite your post. If the response would be positive, post away.

This is trickier to talk about. I have looked at a variety of sources, and no source has the exact same definition of bullying. However, one that I find compelling is this:
If someone is acting mean by accident, it is rude.
If someone is acting mean on purpose, it is mean.
If someone is acting mean on purpose, and they do it over and over again, even when they are told to stop, it is BULLYING!!!
meburningslime asked you guys to stop at one point, and afterward nothing else happened. So I think it is not bullying, but more like they were being mean. But still, I’d advise that you stop before it becomes bullying.

So, from now on, I no longer want to be considered part of the Musketeers. It was fun, but with this chaos, I just cannot stay. But I do not want to be part of the Old Republic/Justice Beague, either. From now on, I consider myself independent from all “factions” of this forum. And I beg of you guys, please put all your differences aside and treat each other as allies. We all are the same in two ways. One, we are game developers. Two, we love memes. So please stop fighting.


Honest Opinions ahead. If you can’t handle that, then leave.

My Opinion:

I will make my stance on this very clear, since you have done your part. We had our fun, but I do agree that it’s time to talk about this a bit more.

I will put this as bluntly as possible, as not to sugarcoat anything before I subconsciously do it for the sake of being nice.
I don’t have any respect for Meburningslime, and here’s why:

  1. He has always been under his reputation to spew negativity on this community; a good example is the Crigence Critique, he has rarely had anything good to say on that entire forum, and the next logical thing to do is check his post history. From there, it only gets worse.

  2. He’s a liar about so, so many things. He can never get his facts straight when he (constantly) talks about how miserable his life is, and I’m sorry, but I absolutely refuse to believe that you’d be on Flowlab after getting crippled, after having your Mom come home from the hospital, whatever else he’s going to come up with next. It doesn’t make sense, and for the times when it’s even just 60% clear that you’re being a pathological liar and a bad person, it makes a fool out of the people who actually suffer in life. Thankfully; I live a rather good life. I have a roof over my head, a mother, a brother, a friend, food, thanks to said friend’s family. But I wasn’t always like that. And I’m not making this some sob-story to make you feel bad for me, (Like what Meburningslime does) so I’ll make it short. I used to be homeless when I moved up to Oregon, and we were constantly bouncing from house to house. This went on for about one-two years, allthewhile my Mom was working and trying to find us a home. All without a car, or my father figure to help her. Our lives really were riding on her and the good fortune of her friends allowing us to stay in their living rooms.

So; as someone who I know has been through a lot, Meburningslime’s stories and logic all seem much too vague to be true, and never coincide with each other.

  1. Because of his apparent bad life, he is also constantly pulling the “I had a bad day” card when he says something stupid, or comes off as just as much of a jerk as he paints Crigence to be. I don’t think I need to explain this one; it’s just wrong.

  2. Meburningslime is extraordinarily un-self-aware. Now I’m rather aware that this post will probably spell the end for me on this community because of the lack of self-awareness and blatant rudeness, but my opinion was opened up to the opportunity, and I feel like sugarcoating my thoughts on him for two years since our first real encounter when we had a two day political argument (where he also threatened his mental health to me, if I remember correctly) over DMs is starting to get unhealthy. It’s time I spoke, and from the looks of things, I don’t think I’m alone in this. The biggest question here, though; is if people will actually stand by me. If they don’t; that’s fine too.

Anyway, back to my point. Meburningslime has no regard for others and he doesn’t think twice before doing anything. My most recent, and cringiest example, is when I remarked to him that he and his apparent team weren’t “The Justice League”. And so he responded with an edited picture of a sporadic selection of what almost came off as just the biggest members of Flowlab that he’s interacted with just to prove a point, alongside the caption: “That’s right. We’re The Avengers.”. I mean come on, man. That is the very definition of a lack of self-awareness.

  1. After having been given many, many chances by the members of Flowlab to turn things around and change the way he’s been acting, he still has yet to do so. And he says it himself in his nonsensical bio where he claims to be a professional curriculum developer despite the fact that he’s not even 18 yet, if I remember correctly; right here: “I’ve been on here for over 7 years!”. Meburningslime has been given chance after chance for a long time, and I think I may want to put my foot down, personally. A sense of honesty on this entire topic would be nice.


I made this topic to have a bit of fun. But that didn’t last long, at all. My post was obviously satirical, yet the hostility stayed. I disagreed with one thing you said, GalaxianGames; and here’s my thoughts. If you can’t handle a game development community that gives you honest feedback, then go. Before you make a fool of yourself and have it so that you’re seen negatively in a lot of people’s eyes. This is Meburningslime’s fault that he’s in this pit on this community, and no one else’s fault. Same goes for his two buddies, Haevoc and McMemerMan.

If you sensed a bit of hostility in this post, then you’re very perceptive. I’d be lying if I said this wasn’t an attack at Meburningslime, but it’s a well-structured one, a justified one, and one that I believe a lot of people would agree with.

Meburningslime; look. I have tried to get on your good side already. Multiple times in the past. But you kept f’ing it up with me. As you did with many others, it looks like. So I would like to say that I’m not dealing with you anymore. You can hate me all you want. I used to be a bit of an a-hole too, back in the day. I’ll admit it. Overly confident and clearly delusioned. But the part that separates us is that I got to use “was”. I matured. You’ve been on here over twice as long as I have. But I have yet to see any growth from you, which makes me sad considering that you’re older than me as well.


Huh, so now I understand why there is so much tension between you two, even outside this thread. This explains a lot.

My Response

I’ll have to agree with you for the most part. I took a look at meburningslime’s profile and saw that he joined June 2017. That is 4 years, not seven (unless he uses an alternative account, but he never mentioned it before). Also, the fact he used suicide as a weapon in this argument made it seem like he wasn’t taking this “crippling mental heat” very seriously, as someone should. That is suspicious, and the amount of times he recently overreacted to something also seems too extreme to be real.

I think I probably said the wrong thing when I said “both sides are at fault.” I think I really meant that, from what I saw, it seemed like both sides said some wrong things (like lobbing insults at each other). But regardless, that’s my bad…

I didn’t know about any of this. To be honest, I am a rather gullible person (although I didn’t believe his story that Notes and Waves was created before Just Shapes and Beats).

But back to the point, I am very gullible. If I hadn’t heard from you, I probably would have been stuck believing in lies.

Anyways, I’m glad we are able to talk this out, and I finally understand everything. I hope that this is enough to stop the fight.


I’d like to stop the fight now, as well. I’m glad you’re caught up as well now, and I admit fault and apologise for mindlessly throwing insults, myself. However I do stand by my point, still, and will remain to do so. I’m glad this is coming to an end.


Well, there’s very little I could pitch in that @browngr hasn’t already nailed in his post but if he’s getting banned for this – I want to head out with him. So if you want my explanation for my behavior in this thread, read on

My 2 cents

So let me explain some of my biggest reason for disliking meburningslime:

I’ll admit it straight out, I hate how Flowlab is being ran.

I feel that Grazer is far too-quick to slap down new rules or badges on-the-spot without thinking things through (My proof for this is clear as day with the botched introduction of the “Spaghetti Pockets” badge

I feel that the rules are vague and easily abusable (Such as the “Hate speech” rule), fostering an echo-chambered, fearful community that can’t handle a joke (My proof here is that the obviously satiric “Alimentary-Paste Compartment” got taken down by an admin)

And on top of all of this: I feel that some of what I just explained is all meburningslime’s fault. Since if you really take a step back to think about it, he is mostly responsible for the “No swearing” policy that exists today, as his constant whining is what forced Grazer to implement it.

I’d like to stress that that’s not my only reason for disliking Slime, I also share Browngr’s laundry list of reasons, but the one I just explained to you is my big, personal reason for disliking Slime.

If I get banned for this (Which I’m certain that I will), I don’t care anymore. I’m just happy I finally got to state my completely unfiltered opinion before I went. But I’ll tell Grazer what I told Browngr when I was giving him advice on his Discord server: “I wouldn’t be giving criticism, if I didn’t want to see it (Flowlab) improve”

I’ll be honest, it may be a bit of a salty reason to co-found an entire group, but it’s my reason.


war? what war?..