Rezarg's -Turbo- | Review Topic

-Turbo- is a Racing game based on the Trackmania games.

Game URL: Flowlab Game Creator - -Turbo-

How to make Tracks (Before TrackEditor Update)

This is an Track-Piece: $straight,240,96,90.1

$ starts a new object
straight is the type of piece.
240 is the piece’s X position.
96 is the object’s Y position.
90 is the object’s Rotation
.1 is whether or not the piece has track-borders.

Types of Track-Pieces: start, finish, straight, turn90, booster, and barrier.

A Track is just a list of Pieces.

For Example, A01's Track

Note that pieces do not require the .1 on the end. A .1 just gives it borders. If a piece does not have a .1, it will not have borders.

Unfortunately, there is not a way for you to view the track you are making. (Unless you know what you’re doing.

If you know what you’re doing, the game functions using a “mapLoader” object. Inside of this, add a Once -> Text -> Save trackData inside of it. Put your track into the Text object. This should allow you to load your track.

Once you have finished making your track, feel free to send me the track code.
I will be adding a Featured Tracks menu in the future that will have community tracks in it.

Please submit world records here: Rezarg's -Turbo-


Aw bruh, I was expecting the fast snail

Nice game though!

A01 WR



@John_Shrekinson, you now have the A01 WR! :clap:

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Thank you very much!

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Just a note, the speed boost works both ways, I’ve encountered this in Alpaca Raceway so I just made it push you in that single direct.


Yeah. I haven’t fixed that yet

