Rise - Releasing Tomorrow!

Hey your game fits it so well and is so old I’m suprised it hasn’t had this update yet, but could you add mobile controls? Thanks :slight_smile:

As you probably know I’m currently working on the shop. I’m trying to decide if I want to have a select and selected button or just use the arrows.

So imagine that you bought this skin and the buy button and 100 stars was gone. Would you rather it have a option to select, and it would say if it was selected, or would you want to just click the arrows and which ever one your on is selected? (I know the buy button isn’t lined up.)
@Greggo @JR01 @rcreger @ShadowGaming @MetaNinja


i prefer clicking rather than tapping the arrows.


I’d prefer it saying which one I have selected rather than the arrow one


I’d rather have an “equip” button if that’s what you’re talking about lol


Yeah, I’d have a select button.


(1) A physical action (button) will help the player feel more in control of their actions and increase the goodwill for your game that extra bit.
(2) A button will keep things simple and will decrease general confusion.
(3) A button would probably be easier to code…

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Yeah, I’m doing a Physical Button, but it’s definitely not easier to code. :rofl:


How many rockets should I have?

Right now I have 5 not including the default skin. Should I make more? If so what should they look like. If you would like to see the current rockets I have, click the link and click shop on the main level. Thanks!

@Greggo @rcreger @JR01 @ShadowGaming @MetaNinja

Anyone have any ideas?


Full Screen is now in the game, as in option in the settings!

Twenty or so, enough to keep the player playing but not enough to lose track of.

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20! That seems like a little too much! There aren’t enough colors for that.

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If you have skinned ones and primary/secondary colors then it’s not much at all.

You could make skins of various users, like an electric one for abstract, and replace the window with a jack o’ lantern for ManiacPumpkin.

Are you able to make different types of ships? They all have the same shape so my thought is you should add different types of ships like fatter ones, smaller ones, maybe even a UFO one.

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I’m not good enough at art to make multiple though. I barely made the first one lol.

You could get some artists to help you?
If you want I can get you connected

No it’s ok, but thank you!

Hey! I’m open to reviews or feedback right now! You don’t have to review it but you could just give like 1 or 2 things. Thanks!

  • The help button isn’t done

  • The leaderboard button doesn’t work yet

  • The last 3 levels aren’t finished

Other than that it is being close to finished. Thanks!