Routing information needs updating

grazer you need to update this to 32 (for the router):

I just tried it with 3:2:1 and it put 1 2 3 WHY is it rearranging them!
Does anyone know or can help?
@JR01 your good with lists!

The list sort behavior sorts all Intances of the same list (as in carries over to other lists) if a copy isn’t set. As well, this sort may be reversing the sort.


oooohhhh that makes sooo much sense now THANK YOU!!!

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Because this wasn’t really a bug this should be in the help category

I had it there originally but then moved it here (cause I had no idea the sort would change… anyway ill move it back but there is still a bug here in the router text)

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I’m sure grazer cares about the typo


it was a different thing that I thought was a bug but after I got it figgered out I saw this and was like “technically this is a bug”

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sooooooooooooooooooo…Mr @CodeAlpaca ,I rebooted the GAME-DARE,do you wanna join?

not here…

shut up,RIVAL.

Don’t be rude, even in jest. I’m not going to join the game dare unless I have finished all the projects I’m working on, which probably won’t happen. Also wrong forum

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ok MR @CodeAlpaca sir!

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