First issue is that I’ve chosen the Run and Jump behavior bundle for the character, but it only allows it to move left, flip, and move right. It cannot jump. Furthermore, when it does try to move right or left it gets stopped after a few pixels.
Yet sometimes, I will refresh and then it can move freely left and right, but still cannot jump. Any ideas what’s going on?
Second issue is that in the editor my monkey object has its hind legs flush with the blocks underneath it as intended, but when playing the game it hovers a pixel or two above the blocks.
Hmm, this is not new for me either. When the player gets stuck you have to jump before it can move properly again. And in one of my games an object is getting stuck between walls, even though there’s some space between them. It used to work fine before. Maybe the sprite hitboxes are getting bigger than intended? This is the buggiest time of Flowlab I’ve seen in my whole experience :\
Idk about the jump part tho
@jngthree I had it set to rectangle when I originally posted. When I switch to capsule I can move freely left and right, but can’t jump, and for some reason the character is an inch off of the bricks below. Same issues when I choose circle.
The baboon cannot move easily because he s a rectangle, so his corners can easily get snagged on ground blocks. This is an issue commonly called “ghost vertices”, you can see a detailed explanation here: The usual fix is to either make the character use a circle collider, or use long single blocks for the ground object.
The player cannot jump because he doesn’t have enough jump force. The larger you make an object, the heavier it gets, so it will need more force to get it off the ground.
Thanks, @grazer . Using long ground blocks worked and prevents the character from getting snagged and increasing the jump force worked as well. The only thing I couldn’t fix was him hovering off the ground. Changing from rectangle to circle to capsule had no effect.
I’ll look into this - it looks like the sprite is misaligned by one pixel. This is probably due to a rounding error somewhere in the rendering process.
@grazer Bumping this, but only because there’s an additional issue beyond the possible one you’re looking into. The object now will only jump once or twice, and will then not be able to, and in addition it ceases to flip back and forth. Oddness.