Scroll trick

So there’s this really awesome game called Persecution (it’s on the first page of games), and it has this scroll feature where when you walk off the current screen, it takes you to the next screen over. I looked at the behaviours in the game, but it’s REALLY complicated and I don’t understand really any of the logic. Does anybody know if there is a simple way to do this? Help would be GREATLY appreciated. :slight_smile:

Nope. That guy has a mind way beyond ours

True. Hey, I found a bug where the extractor keeps defaulting back to ‘from current object’. did this happen to you at any time?

Oh, wait, nvm. you have to set an object for it to follow. I need it to extract from the closest type of that object though…

Does anyone know how to make it so that when I fire something, that something will lock on to the nearest enemy?

Using the families system maybe

The missile in crimson hunters does tgar

So you’re saying that if I copy the behaviours in your missile over to my projectile and with proximity of my enemy, it’ll work?


The missile travels a small distance and adjust itself to face the nearest enemy.

All of the enemies are children of this basic enemy “enemy0”

Alright. I tried it, and it works like a charm! Thanks.

EDIT: This is about that scroll view thingy

There are 2 inputs in a scroll view behavior. They will work if you turn off autoscroll x and y in its properties.

When you connect a number with “scroll x” input. And the number value is 8, it will scroll 8 pixels to the right. If it’s -8 it will scroll to the left.

Same with y, but then up and down.

If you like documentations, you can read this:

Scroll View blocks cause the game to scroll as the current object moves around the level. The background can scroll independently (called a parallax effect) to give an illusion of depth. The Autoscroll x and Autoscroll y properties, when enabled, allow the players view of the game to follow the current object automatically as it moves around the level. When opening the properties panel, an indicator rectangle will display around the game level that shows the minimum and maximum viewable area in each direction. Changing the left, right, top, and bottom properties will update the indicator rectangle so its easy to see the boundaries at a glance. The game view can also be scrolled manually, regardless of the objects position, by disabling the autoscroll properties and sending new view position values into the x or y inputs. There is a Parallax slider that adjusts how closely the background scrolling moves along with the foreground. At 100%, the background and foreground move together. As the slider is set to a lower value, the background moves more slowly, giving the illusion that the background objects are more distant. The Background Repeats property determine whether the background continues to repeatedly display as the view scrolls beyond the edges of the available background area.

Okay. Thanks.