Selene257's Sketchbook

why do I honestly want to read that?

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I don’t think Arrty deleted it I’m pretty sure it still exists so you can read it

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It still exists in my old art topic, so you can read the existing chapters.

I wouldn’t dare go back there tho :sob:


Eh, your art’s been amazing for a while. :]

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your art will always be better than mine.

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Okay, since you finally improved I could finally say this without sounding really mean.

In the least offensive way, your art back then, downright sucked.
I don’t know, back then I just didn’t like looking at it, but you were trying and I also sucked at art so I decided to not say anything.

But once an artist improves, they also agree that their past artworks sucked, so it should be fine… right?


Completely agree man, ngl. No offense taken lol


yeah my artwork still SUCKS

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Freaked out the kid sitting next to me in art class with this one lol

So I had to draw something relating to a fear, so I reincarnated Chronophobia, the fear of the passage of time. The fingers look a little off but eh, it was fun


Bro thinks shes clocky


Looking back on old art and thinking it’s bad is a good thing for yourself. Other people might not think that, but for the artist, it means you’ve noticed you’ve improved.


Cybot from Six Minutes: Out of Time
He looks like a sassy Wall-E lol

“The problem is, as always, Humans,”-Cybot


I thought it was Wall-E fanart at first lol

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Yeah, he’s just a character from a podcast I listen to lol
He’s a lil’ robot so I imagine him looking like a smol Wall-E

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Same, lol.

Wall-E is one of my favorites.

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Just a lil writing excerpt I did recently
It gives some information about Ashkim and Sarah and the country they live in


Ashkim blinked her bleary eyes open. She pushed herself up on the stone slab she slept on. It was too risky sleeping in actual sheets or hay; no one wants to wake up in a flame bath.
She stood up, her feet slipping into her fire-proof, leather shoes. After stretching her arms and back, she went over to the small nook on the opposite wall where her dresses hung. She slipped on her favorite, a dark red the shade of blood with a knee-length skirt. Her thin tail slipped out through the leather belt around the bodice.
Turning to the one window, she grabbed her gloves that lay flat on the wooden table. Her fingers brushed the wood and it charred a bit, but not enough to catch fire. There were black marks scattered all over the wood from accidental slips. As she slipped the smooth fabric over her fingers, smiling softly, she turned the piercings in her eyebrow.
She looked through the open window, gazing out over her city of Arakon, full of wooden and stone slab buildings. The Harbringers Arena lay just in front of the small, stone palace. The sky still stood a light red with deep black clouds, making it look as if an ocean of magma floated above their heads. No other place in Seraphil had such a sky, only Pyran, due to the eruptions that turned the land desolate. It was what Ashkim loved the most about it.
She snatched the golden blade leaning beside the table, slipping it through a leather loop, she pulled it over her head, the blade diagonal against her back.
Eagerly, Ashkim rushed over to the corner of her room where a stone drawer lay on the floor. On her knees, she carefully sifted through her collection of valuables, a few small daggers, pairs of gloves, a jar holding a Fire Flower petal, rocks she had found interesting when she was younger, a collection of earrings, and a collection of parchment paper tied together with some twine.
She snatched the parchment, careful to hold it away from her body. Brushing her gloved fingers over the textured, and yellowed paper, she grinned. If she was quick enough, she could slip out before Mother would need her.
As she headed for the door, hand reaching for the doorknob, it opened. Standing in the hallway was The Presenter, her ivory mask dull in the dim light. She brought her hand back,”Apologies, Ashkim. I was just checking to see if you had awoken.”
“Clearly I have, Presenter,”Ashkim addressed her,”If you don’t mind, I’m leaving.”
“Oh, are you going to see Sarah?”She adjusted her hat,”You’ll have to be quick.”
“I know that,”Ashkim began down the torch-lined hallway,”That’s why I have to leave now. I just need to be back by midday.”
“Actually, Ashkim,”The Presenter began,”Empress Irato is quite eager to begin the games today. The arena will open at least two hours before midday.”
“What?”She hurried her steps.
“They’re going to be entering the…the Human, as well as the Hybrid. If they win then they shall go on to tomorrow for ‘trial’”
Ashkim rolled her eyes as they entered an opening in the hallway. In the center was a set of winding staircases. On the right wall was an inscription of red lines depicting the Fire Flower.
She sighed,”That gives me…what? An hour to leave, see her, and make it back?”
“I believe so. Your Mother will be quite…,”The Presenter hesitated, searching for a correct word,”…distressed if she finds out.”
She groaned as she stepped down the stone stairwell,”Mother can handle me leaving for one hour, even if it is to see Sarah. I’ve done it plenty of times before. Besides, I haven’t seen Sarah in half a year! I told her it would only be a month, but it’s been six! Six!”
“I’m honestly surprised Empress Irato hasn’t gone in search of her…”
They reached the bottom of the stairs, opening up to a larger entry hall. A velvet rug led from the tall, obsidian doors to the staircase.
The Presenter cleared her throat,”If you don’t mind, I am going to see The Guardian, so I’ll join you some way on your walk.”
Ashkim laughed, amused with The Presenter’s obsession with The Guardian. Half the city knew about their connection, even Mother did!
They pushed through the great doors, leading out onto the obsidian bridge connecting the palace to the arena. The bridge crossed a large magma river, spitting liquid flame into the air every few moments. Scattered throughout the bridge were a few of the Ignited, members of the Pandemonium Clan. Each one had two eyebrow piercings.
The bridge soon connected with the round amphitheater. Instead of entering through the large opening, they only went around, following the outside bridged rim lined with standing torches.
Her fingers itched with eagerness as they rounded it. Oh, how she wanted to deal justice where it was owed. How she wanted to make that Hybrid receive punishment for his crime. The Human, she wasn’t even sure she knew his name, was only a minor addition, a unique one at most.
They rounded the arena, reaching the elevated entrance. They stepped down the long array of stone steps to the central circle. It was a large, stone paved area lined with various, shabby buildings. Many buildings had cloth awnings and seemed to be made hastily and poorly. Windows were cracked, wooden slabs were nailed together sloppily, and doors leaned awkwardly on their hinges. It was the kind of organized chaos that gave Arakon its unique sense of home.
Standing in the center of the gigantic circle was a small, stone temple, the Pyre of Flame. It was two stories tall and inscribed with many depictions of the Fire Flower. It had an entrance on each side and was slightly elevated. Red and orange petals were scattered along its base, along with twigs and charred pieces of wood, offerings to Pyro.
The Presenter laid a hand, precariously on her shoulder,”Tell Sarah greetings for me, will you?”
Ashkim smiled,”She’ll be overjoyed to hear that,”She wasn’t lying either.
As The Presenter took her first steps away, she paused. From the entrance in front of them came Mother. Her short, choppy hair was the shade of ash, curvy horns sprouted from behind her ears, and her eyes had the same red glow of Ashkim’s. She wore simple black leggings with dark boots. A short red shirt was covered with a black jacket, adorned with black feathers and bird bones. What seemed to be a necklace was hidden underneath the collar of her shirt. A red spear was clutched in her long nails.
At first, you would only think she was an extravagant Ignited or Kindling. The only thing about her identifying Mother as the empress was the red eyebrow piercings and the red glow of her eyes, a trait shared only by Fire Starters.
Mother stopped when she noticed Ashkim standing there idly, holding the collection of parchment in her claws. She wanted to throw the paper over the bridge at that moment, but she knew it was no use. She was caught.
“Presenter,”Mother began,”You are dismissed. I need to speak with my daughter for a moment.”
The Presenter dipped her head,”Of course, Empress,”scurrying past her into the Pyre of Flame.
Irato stepped up to Ashkim, eyeing the parchment in her hands. Her eyes tightened,”What exactly are you doing out here? Especially with that.”
“You tell me,”She replied.
“Come with me,”Mother snapped, grabbing Ashkim’s exposed elbow. Despite having come into contact with her skin, Irato’s skin did not burn.
She pulled Ashkim behind her as she marched into the arena,”How many times must I explain to you, you are never to speak or even see that wretched disgrace!”
“Just because you hate her, doesn’t mean I should either!”Ashkim complained.
Mother sighed, stopping as they stood together in the entrance,”I want you away from her because she has betrayed the Ignited. She snuffed out the flame of honor when we gave it to her in glory. How do I know she won’t convince you to do the same!”
Ashkim bit her lip, holding back a retort, her arm fell to the side, still clutching the papers. Mother snatched them from her hand,”You always take these blank pages with you when you sneak out. Why?”
“Sarah likes to-”
“Ah! Do not say her name!”Mother snapped,”We do not say the names of those who have betrayed the flame!”
She sighed,”She enjoys drawing, so I bring them to her.”
“Not anymore, you aren’t,”Irato’s claws clutched the paper tighter and it caught alight. The paper burned quickly, ashes flying into the air. Ashkim clenched her fists as she watched the flames grow.
As the flames died, Mother brushed her hands together, the ash falling from her fingers,”I only wish to protect you, Ashkim. We must do what is best in the light of Pyro, it is we who keep it burning. I don’t want to see you go down the same path as her, not my Champion. My daughter.”
She cupped her hands over Ashkim’s face, smiling kindly.
As quickly as the show of kindness came, it disappeared, a mask of seriousness flowing over Mother’s face,”Now. We have a show to put on.”

There are two characters mentioned as “The Human” and “The Hybrid”
They’re very important to this part of the story so I should probably draw them soon and give some info on them
If there’s questions about the characters or context I’ll be happy to answer


It would be better if it was about a blue hedgehog fighting off a fat guy that likes eggs

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Sans bossfight in a nutshell


Matt Sinclair(The Visionary) and Lythia Sinclair(The Hidden Link)
Matt and Lythia Sinclair are siblings from South Arium(Part of the Human country Arium). They each play important roles in the story. Matt is a Juah, a Human with Majick in their blood giving him a sort of talent. He is a Visionary, the only one ever since Elsakra The Seer who isn’t even a Human. Following a vision, he went in search for a Wanderer(This being Wendyl, the Void One). Him and Wendyl, along with another I have yet to mention, are a part of The Path of the Curse.

Lythia, after learning that her brother had left to the Wandering Edge over some “vision” decided to follow after him. She ran into Elsakra The Seer, and her old “friend” Eta The Apprentice. Elsakra and Eta convince Lythia to come with them, claiming she has a very important role to play in the world and its events. Lythia appears in nearly all of the Three Paths, usually as some sort of link that Elskara claims is “crucial to the timeline”.

Hey look it’s my profile pic!
"Time is a very fragile thing.
It needs to be precariously weaved.
Every moment is crucial.

That is why we must make sure what needs to happen
Does indeed

Even if it means our death,
And yours and his sanity

After all…
Those given the gift of knowledge,
Are forced to face the burden it carries"
-Elsakra The Seer

These drawings are a little old but I haven’t drawn much in a while, been really into writing so here ya go!