Should I resize my game for better performance?

Hello, I made this game before fullscreen became a free option and sized it as 18x12 so that it could be playable without it. However, I realised that the game’s performance could suffer (or not work at all) if I keep inserting 18x12 story cutscenes and backgrounds for the “story mode” of the game.

I have two objects that are as large as the whole screen, one as the general UI and the other as the backgrounds (which there will be a lot of)

I was wondering if I should resize my game now before I start making high effort art for everything as I already hit the frame limit. I was thinking of 12x9 or maybe smaller?

Here is my game:

Apologies if this isn’t the right category to discuss this. I was concerned that my game would end up unplayable after I put in a lot of effort into it.


i really don’t understand why you would downsize at all
just use the letterbox fullscreen option or try the others

The game runs well for me, but if performance really is affected by this then yes, you should resize it.


If performence is effected then resizing might be best


There are many workarounds other than resizing the game for better performance.
For example, making the animations smaller would really help a lot more with memory,
but you can resize the object by using the size behavior or by stretching it in the editor to make it become bigger and still have the improved performance.

Changing the screen size is really up to you and what you think the game would best with it.


Thank you, I think I will mess around with the size behavior and make the objects smaller so that there isn’t a problem with it eating up too much memory (if that’s how that works, I’m not the best at coding sorry!)

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It’s okay; just keep coding and you’ll get better.

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Tried this on my phone if you set the full screen to stretch it works perfectly


Welcome to Flowlab! This topic has been solved already though, so I suppose a new reply was not necessary.

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