Here is my game!
please give me feedback and feel free to tell me anything I could add!
Very good! I like the fun art, gameplay and mechanics.
thank you! is there anything I could add?
also sorry for replying so late.
Like it!!! its super fun to play thought its a bit laggy tho that might just be my computer
Yeah sorry about that -_- there are a lot of small objects.
Thanks for the feedback too!
is there anything you would suggest I add?
Not that i can think of right now. . . if i think of anything soon i’ll post on here
Tutorial because what exactly am I supposed to do?
I will add a tutorial soon sorry. I didn’t think of that. you can look at the description
for a tiny tutor.
Hmmmmmm. Perhaps a game cover, a reason why the snowmen are apparently evil, and the snowmen bleeding snow when they get hit or die.
Alright, so I have a story in the description as well as a tutorial and I’m trying to make the snow people “bleed” but my brain is dying right now soooooooo. Yay
Take a break. Don’t exhaust yourself. You’ve probably developed a game on Flowlab enough for today. Just relax and go develop more when you feel like it. Your mind should work better that way.