Solved by Grazer

The best ever!

Grazer is literally the best EVER!

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You’re speaking total facts right now!

Grazer literally made Flowlab! He’s so cool!


Yes! There is no other better game engine!

There is no other game creator that is better than flowlab! It’s the best that beats the rest!

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I 95% agree!

Flowlab is awesome but I want to learn more advanced coding languages to access other game engines to have full customization of my games! But Grazer is still awesome because without Flowlab I would never be determined to make games in the first place!

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This could go on forever!

We could talk about how good flowlab is all year long!

I agree that advanced coding is good to learn also!

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Yeah! We could even talk about this in the afterlife!

Flowlab is awesome!

Live Laugh Love Flowlab!

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Yes, definitely! But we should probably stop, lol.

Yes! Ok, this is probably enough off-topicing though, even though this kind of off-topic is worth it. :slight_smile:

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YEAH! Off-topic is cringe!

Grazer is still awesome.


Yes. I wonder what Grazer is going to think when he sees this lol.

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JustPlainGood is crazy lol


I never met grazer so I CANT say he is awesome.

How could you.
Grazer literally made Flowlab! He’s awesome!

there is a bunch of people who made amazing things and are not good people, not saying grazer is a bad person its just I haven’t met him so I can’t have an opinion to say “he’s AMAZING” or “HE’s TRASH”

He’s more active in the Discord he’s really nice.

off-topic ending

Yeah, thanks! There really isn’t a good combinations of a name with Overma Games, and that is the only thing we could come up with. :slight_smile:

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I love how you can make really good names with JUSTPLAINOP like how we did JUSTPLAINDEADLY and how you and Ember did JustPlainGood.
It’s just plain awesome.

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Why am I crazy? What did I do? Oh, the team. Yeah LOL. Apparently the first part of my name is highly used.

Yeah, Grazer is a good man.

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