Something is incredibly wrong

@grazer I’m seriously getting tired of the messaging and saving not working correctly, I’m ready to throw in the towel

Hey @jngthree - I checked out the game, and the messaging seems to be acting ok as far as I can tell. Just looking at the logic, it seems like it might be susceptible to timing issues with the stop and go messages getting processed during the same frame. I played it a few times (on the web) and it was moving as expected, is the web version giving you problems as well, or only mobile builds?

Here is a suggestion - maybe you could try just sending the rotations direction from the ui buttons like this:

Is there any reason why that approach wouldn’t work here?

That isn’t a bad idea, but I still want the ship to stop when the finger is released

Both builds

@grazer I did that rig you made! And it works!!

Now, is there a way to where over/out
Thing work for when someone drags their finger off one panel and onto another?

Another thing: firing.

Last time I was able to send messages to the gun object (the one that attaches to the player) but now it won’t work.

I’m basically taking a similar approach to movement though.

So far I only have logic for the Right panel

@grazer I changed the setup, but it’s not the logic. The mailbox isn’t receiving it

That or mouseclick UP isn’t working right. I can’t seem to get it

Can you describe exactly how I can reproduce the behavior you’re seeing? What should I try to do, and what is the incorrect behavior I should be looking for?

@grazer there was a oopsie made on my part.

But as far as the attachment problem:

Object 1 attaches object 2
Object 3 sends a message to the type object 2
Object 2 does not receive message

@grazer an example of the saving not working: autofire never saves, so if you turn it on it doesn’t save. Meaning it turns off when you change to a different level.

Heck, it doesn’t even record your score

Hey @jngthree - I made a couple of updates to the example here:

It’s not too much more complicated, but it works with dragging onto/off of the buttons as well now. I’ll take another look at the saving and attachment messages this weekend to try and figure out what’s going on there.

@grazer I thought over and out didn’t work for mobile?

Btw when I did the updated rig all it did was change the stop and change the ships direction.

@jngthree - I just turned on autofire, and reloaded the game and it stayed set. I turned it on and off several times, and reloaded the game each time, and it always saved it’s state as I expected on the menu screen. When I started the game, autofire was on and seemed to be working.

I can’t seem to break it - what browser are you using?

@grazer I use puffin flash, which worked perfectly until just now.
It’s a mobile browser.

It’s perfect for editing games on the go, and helps me judge if things are going to be hard to click on as an actual app

Sometimes I use chrome though. But I haven’t tested it on there

@grazer, now it’s saving, but it doesn’t overwrite a previous save


Trial 1:

Clicked pacifism- Mode indicator did not change. Clicked go- game played pacifism.
Refreshed page- indicator now shows pacifism, but plays arcade

Try playing multiple rounds, and multiple modes without refreshing

In normal SB2:

Played arcade- got score of 100
High scores screen displays 100 as both the previous and the high

Played again- got a score of 20
High scores screen still displays 100 for both previous and high

Refreshed, then went to the high scores screen now shows 20 as the new previous and 100 as the high

Ok, I see the issue now.

So here’s the thing - I really only designed the save behavior to be used to store a value (like a high score or level progress) between game sessions, not for sharing values between objects this way. It is reading from and writing to a file on your disk, so it was a super inefficient way to communicate inside a game.

All that being said - I can see the value in being able to use it this way, and the limitations were not obvious or intuitive, so I have added some code to make it faster and more efficient, and for saving & loading to work the way I believe are were expecting it to.

Let me know if it’s still giving you trouble, but I think it should behave the way you want it to now.


I never expected it to work until I tried it on the original Starblast.

It definitely worked, but stopped working after the level delete update…

Thanks for fixing it though

Ps: the finger dragging thing isn’t working.
The ship changes direction but stops moving