Sound issue since latest update

So ive noticed that ever since the latest update, some games ive made before the update have been having weird sound issues. Sometimes sounds just wont play, sometimes a sound needs to be played once then it will work (first time wont make any sounds) and a couple other weird stuff but thats the main two issues ive encountered. I already know its not an issue with needing mp3 files, unique sounds I have that covered, though sometimes even that doesnt matter cus they wont work sometimes anyways, but even flowlab’s own provided sound effects have this issue. Considering one of my games where this issue is especially prevalent relies a fair bit on sound ques, id really like to know if this can be fixed without needing to kinda just start completly over.

There’s a new option on the sound behaved called “preload”. The sound isn’t loading up the first time it’s played. Selecting this will load up the sound at the start of the level so when it’s played, it should work the first time instead of having to play a second time.

Thank you, that seems to have fixed the issue

Now the only annoying bit is going in and replacing all the old sound components with the new one

For the future, you can lock your game to a specific update, so that way it won’t cause older behaviors to break following new updates. Most of the time they should still work as if they did prior to the update, but sometimes there can be some bugs.

I definitely suggest going with and updating the sound behaviors since the new one has a lot more options and feels much better.