Sprite-Stacking Test/Example

Looks aesthetically pleasing to me so I consider it a win for you.

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Argghhhh why are all of you so much better than me at everything??? My sprites are barely passable in 2 dimensions. Starting to think that the best game I could make is a wacky version of Pong with lots of broken code and unpredictable behaviors.


That actually sounds really fun. Like a pong game except you took the disc and ran over it.

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It would be Pong, except that occasionally the ball would fly wildly in one direction and disappear off the screen. Then reappear later just doing circles in the middle. Occasionally your paddle would double in size, or just stop moving altogether. Then it would start randomly bouncing off the walls, and the ball would move in slow motion towards one side’s goal post, and accidentally give points to the other player instead.

I’d upload it here and people would be screaming at me, “what the hell man? Don’t you know the difference between sine and cosine?” Of course I do! One has ‘co’ and the other one doesn’t.