Story Adventures

I have spent some time working on a story adventure game. Its not in flowlab I made it on I haven’t playtested the entire thing so there may be bugs but I hope you guys enjoy :slight_smile:
Here is the link:
Adventures of fun
This is the URL:

Please let me know if there are bugs!

and if you have an idea for a type of adventure please be sure to let me know!

  • I love this!
  • Pretty good!
  • Not bad
  • Eh…
  • not my favorite
  • this just stinks
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Seriously guys please try this out i spent a very long time on this and I just want to share it with you guys.

it seems fun but its blocked for me

it shouldnt be blocked?. i made the site, it cant be registered anywhere in a school’s/work’s database?

it says hosted services for some dumb ahh reason

i dont know how to fix it. it works for me…