Super parallax test

I rigged a bunch of layers together to test out a parallax effect.
At first it looks nice, but then it destroys itself for no reason.
Each time it destroys itself a different way and at a different time.

Wow, really interesting idea :slight_smile:

I suspect that part of the reason that it destroys itself is that some of the objects are solid/have collisions, so the tiniest bit of de-synch means they will bounce off of each other. Does making them all non-solid/no collide help at all?

It might also be the case that using the physics (velocity) just isn’t exact enough. The physics calculations are inherently an approximation - you might get better results by using the position property and setting positions directly.

Actually, only the bottommost tile is solid, because I was testing whether or not you fixed the locked objects so they don’t fly away when you jump on a moving block. After that, I just used 1 second repeating timers. Everything is exactly the same on each line, so they parallax. However, for no apparent reason they randomly desync. I was wondering if it had something to do with the off screen loading cancel or something, as before the timer, I used left and right to shift, and objects would get lost off screen. Either way, this was going to be my attempt to work around only having 3 layers and a background layer, but it doesn’t work how I had hoped.

whoa, cool optical illusion!