Taile Gamougg Trilogy Music Playlist

This is a list of music I recommend playing externally (in another tab) when playing certain levels in the Taile Gamougg series. This also a way to listen to music you probably wouldn’t have found otherwise.
Taile Gamougg:
Level 1 - Green Trill Zone (meme remix of 'Green Hill Zone from the 1991 video game Sonic The Hedgehog)
Level 2 - L’s Ideology (from the series Death Note)
Level 3 - Under Cover of Night (from the 2001 video game Halo: Combat Evolved)
Level 4 - Noob’s Dorfen (from the 1995 video game Mortal Kombat 3)
Level 5 - Doom Eternal Main Theme (from the 2020 video game Doom Eternal)

Taile Gamougg 2:
Level 1 - CRAZY NOISY BIZARRE TOWN (from Part 4, Diamond is Unbreakable, of the series JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Level 2 - Never Surrender (from the 2004 video game Halo 2) or E1M2 - The Imps Song (from the 1993 video game DOOM)
Level 3 - Peril (also from the 2004 video game Halo 2) or a synthwave remix of it:
Level 4 - E1M1 - At Doom’s Gate (the live version of the 1993 game’s version of the song)
Level 5 - Last of the Brave (from the 2007 video game Halo 3) or At Any Cost (from the 2010 video game Halo Reach) or The DOOM Hunter Theme (from the 2020 video game Doom Eternal)

Taile Gamougg 3:
Level 1 - 1 Hour Music - Happy Rock
Level 2 - Impend (from the 2004 video game Halo 2)
Level 3 - The Only Thing They Fear is You (from the 2020 video game Doom Eternal)
Level 4 - BFG Division (from the 2016 video game DOOM)
Level 5 - The Last Spartan (from the 2004 video game Halo 2)
Level 6 - Reclaimer (also from the 2004 video game Halo 2)

Bonus: Among Us: The Imposter music:
AMONG US Song (Dance Music Video) / Moondai Remix

It took ages to type all of this.


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