The Artists Contest: New Forum!

I guess I can try and wing it. Not expecting to win anyway. Just doing this for fun :blush:

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Hope it’s not too late to submit something (is it Sunday or Monday that’s the deadline?)

This is my last minute entry for the Pirate/Ship category. It’s somewhat rushed, not perfect but hardly makes a difference since I’m sure none of you will get the reference. This is Sea Rogue from Tugs, a short-lived but awesome British kids show (like Thomas the Tank Engine, but with boats. Actually, the people who made this show also worked on Thomas.) There was an episode called PIRATE, so I thought this would be perfect for both categories.


umm isnt this pixel art comp or am i dilusional or summink??

So that’s what that show was called, coolio :grinning:

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Tugs I think. Looks kinda weird, but I’ll look into it.

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