ja viņš būtu izdarījis to es nošautos
Either that, or someone who simply does not have any empathy about other humans (I think the term is sociopath but im not sure)
A sociopath is someone who knowingly harms people while a psychopath doesn’t know.
That is an interesting way to look at it.
And if I’m correct, the sociopath feels no remorse after doing it, yes?
My thinking is that humans are naturally evil. We had to be to survive in the wild.
However, as time went on, we started putting limits and restraints on ourselves so we could be civilised and feel empathy for others.
Yet some people are born without those limits, and then true human nature begins to rear its ugly head.
I can see that, though, even in the wild, we had to have emotions. If you can’t find a mate, then the population dies out. If you do not please that mate, the mate leaves you, and if it happens to all, then the population dies out. Depends on your views, whether we evolved or were created, and if you mean evolution then at what point in our evolution. I can see that, though.
i love mark rober
Emotions and Empathy are 2 different things
Most can feel emotions for themselves, but not everyone has the empathy required to be able to apply those emotions to others.
These kinds of people go around believing no one else matters except them, so it doesn’t matter if those others suffer
Not surprised
What’s a band you’ve outgrown but still like?
One Direction maybe… Actually… The Wiggles.
As a Christian, I believe in sin which is the root of evil and thrives in everyone, allowing us to lean towards the easier path that doesn’t always seem right.
I thought people were born innately good, but there’s a reason you have to discipline children or else they won’t learn right from wrong, they simply do whatever they feel correct to them, whatever pleases only them.
There are a few who sees the world and all it’s suffering and obeys that by serving others and helping those who suffer alongside us.
Sin only temps us into doing wrong and it has birthed horrible people and actions, but you should hate the sin, not the sinner. As hard as it is, you should always learn to forgive people for their actions.
Most people refuse, but you don’t have to forget what they had done, but avoid holding grudges. As easy as they are to form, they will last forever with you unless you choose to let go.
I’m sure you all might have different iterations of this idea and this may seems biased as an opinion for my religion, but this is what I think on the matter.
I used to listen to a lot of AC/DC growing up and still occasionally do, but I didn’t like some of the messages some of the songs stated like “Highway to ■■■■” and “Hells Bells”, so I avoid a majority of their songs.
I see where you’re coming from, but I feel like there are some places where some people should absolutely be held accountable to their actions
nevertheless, I like hearing about different religions, worldviews and perspectives, even if I’m not strongly religious myself
And I do agree that people should be punished for their actions, but I was referring to people in general forgiving them.