The Glorious Off Topic Channel Of Destiny 2

I would, but personally don’t play it. Sorry.


Msybe after school. I might have you friended on PS5/Fortnite already but I’m not sure.

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96K Likes, 455 Comments - Arthur (@tucodreamsound) on Instagram: "Jesus 3 dias depois #evenflow #jesuschrist #skate3 #foryou #guitarjesus"


?? You can just login with Google… are you logging into the right thing?—

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Screenshot 2023-01-28 3.26.15 PM


The only people whom I have found safe and not judging are Christians. Of course there will be bad ones, that’s why we all need God. However, Christians are often people who truly care.


If you want a just God, then you want a God that needs a sacrifice. He could just forgive, but then you have no justice.


In Biblical times, it’s described how people would sacrifice the most purest and cleanest of animals and lambs to God and to asked forgiveness of their sins. God sent his one and only son, who had never sinned and was “full of grace and truth” so he could die, allowing us to ask forgiveness through the father without traditional means.

It’s almost like a direct link between God and his children.

I know in Catholicism, it’s very much different as you have confess your sin through a priest and he asks in your place as he is connected verbally through God unlike the congregation. I think they believe differently on how forgiveness can be offered, but I believe that you can ask forgiveness and it be done only if you truly mean it. You can easily just say you want forgiveness, but only if you confess your sin and truly mean it.


See, for me, the most caring have been pagans.

Whenever I needed it, pagans have set their faith aside to help and care for me. Time and time again, they accepted me for who I was, versus bad encounters with Christians and more religious peoples.

Sure, not all Christians or religious people are like that, but from my experience, they are usually nowhere near the most helpful or caring.

Even atheists at times didn’t have a religious code to abide by, so can be even better people than a strict religious person would be in most cases.

Often the worst members of a group are the most vocal about it

They make the minority look like a majority


They wouldn’t be Christian’s, but false prophets. I’ve came across and heard of many who claim to be a follower of God, but only seek their own desires above everything else.


Even so, when a person tells me to go to hell for say, being bisexual or something, it kind of tarnishes the image of Christ. Sure, there are LGBTQ+ Christians, but the majority of Christians I’ve met have pulled the, “go to hell,” card.


(Or supportive Christians, those exist too lmao)

I think a lot of this comes from the Bible and other religious texts being easily misunderstood and taken out of context, and people picking and choosing which parts of them they want to believe in.


God loves us, because he dont give a damn if you gay, black, trans etc, if you love him he loves you


But if a God loves you, does it make sense to be sent to an eternal hell for a finite sin? No. That’s why when I was a Christian, and somewhat still am one, I believed in universalism. Everyone eventually ends up in a, “good place.”

Police, wokism, hackers, abolitionists, etc. You are 100% correct.


That’s not what the bible teaches though. The truth is, love is a choice. Without choice, love would not exist. Some people make the wrong choice and denote love. Thus, sin is not necessary, but a consequence of free will and humans taking advantage of it.