The reason it’s annoying is because it clogs up a group chat and may make people miss questions asked earlier in the chat. Other than that, it’s just annoying to see the same thing over and over.
At least Discord’s compressed a lot better than the forum’s so it’s not really a hassle to scroll up
I wouldn’t know, I don’t use Discord.
We’re closing in on 10 thousand posts:
OTC 3 is on the way!
it feels like it’s only been a month on this one
I started posting on this channel when it was at 7.5 thousand posts.
I started posting on this channel when it was at 17 posts.
I was the last post on the original OTC.
This right here, legendary moment in Flowlab history.
Guys, I have a confession to make.
I have developed feelings for a Decepticon.
Hmm, what will that do? I’m very confused. I finished listening though.
make ears happy
hey john, remember that Linkin Park you sent me when I was feeling sad about edgerunners? I added this to my playlist and it gives me happiness now.
I just watched channel 58 (youtube)
i just came back to this to see 1600+ new replies