The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 3

i was simply pointing out a reference, sorry

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It’s okay… I guess.

DIO was affected by the malaise confirmed?!??!?




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but what program does your brother use

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Song wasn’t even from the right part.

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you should make a topic where people can veiw your comic

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Yeah, the comics are pretty good.

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i know, it would be fun if he made a comic out of our dnd games

Or just a book. I can write books pretty well. I already have a book called Lost. That’s where we got the storyline.

I mean, I was thinking of making a comic out of mine, my main inspiration for it was a comic lol.

oohhh cool…i think a new flow era has started…the era of comics

I do not think Flowlab is for making comics. Maybe we could make a game for the roleplay stories.

nah, let the pug cook

its a little to quiet now

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That is how it should be, in my opinion.

nah, i prefer chaos

Although I can easily cause it, I am not a fan of chaos.