The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 3

It does not since it is technically a @system post. Its very annoying. That also means I cannot edit the description or go past the 3-post limit.

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qotd in lounge has over 1.3k


I’m not sure if it got closed or what, but I cannot find that post. Send a link?

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you need regular to view lounge posts and topics


Ah, I haven’t had regular in a while. There’s just not enough for me to do on the forums to make it worthwhile.

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oh, new otc, i was asleep while this happened


New Piskel (8)
a new original drawing by me!!
the game is called something revenge made by my friend deadly_smiles


New Piskel (9)
here is something that is completely made by me save the earth/save the multiverse!
(save the universe was canceled for rocky tower)


I’m late nooooo

Gooey Revenge

aah yes i forgot the name of the franchise im taking insperation of for one game

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quandale dingle

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New Piskel (10)
another og game by me that got canceled murder run


I’m starting to understand text lists. I used them for the first time in The GAME 420 for the intro exposition, but now I’m using the text behavior in Gamougg 5 and actually connecting more wires to it.


It may be really old but the show Tom & Jerry was still much better back then than it was when it started to get close to when it stopped airing. You can tell the drop in quality if you’ve watched almost every single episode like I have.
I mean the immense detail they would put into the backgrounds of scenes is just admirable. Having to hand draw images over and over to look almost identical to the prior but still be different is amazing. I honestly have huge respect for people that do this, or anything like that like stop motion.


Wow, I missed it. I was at my youth camp for the week and I missed it. Darn it.


Anyone else want to be lonely with me?

  • Yes, I’m lonely too
  • No, I’m not lonely
  • No, I’m lonely but I don’t care

0 voters

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If anyone wants to know how to make a character face a different direction by drawing them front facing first, I can show you all in my Discord server by streaming it in a voice channel.

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