The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 3

my theory is kirby is dark matter contained within a cute body,
let me explain
so you now the squirell thing from forgotten land and how the split the good and evil parts of it in two? what if they did that with kirby, with kirby being the good and dark matter being the evil


I got to say I do believe kirby has something to do with dark matter. The theory with how kirby is the good part and dark matter(Or void) is the evil counterpart is also solid. In my opinion I think that kirby is either a part of Void(His full name is Void Termina though) or is a version of him but mixed with positive feelings instead of negative ones. I know it hasnā€™t been confirmed but I feel the pause screen stories and Kirby Star Alliesā€™s ending basically spells out that kirby has to be Void Termina or Dark Matter in some way.

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lmao im addicted to tetris for he nes


i think that void termina is where dark matter originated, so perhaps dark matter is the evil side of void and kirby is the positive

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Yeah. I mean when it comes to Elfilin and Fecto Elfilis it looks like a good outline for what the relation between kirby and dark matter could be.

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and what was itā€¦ void heart on soul melter lookes like a kirby right? this confirms the connection between kirby and dark matter


Void Termina in not only the Ultimate choice but in the final boss looks like kirby in general.

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yeh, say you play splatoon, is splatoon 3 any good?

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A picture of Void Termina

Void Termina | Villains Wiki | Fandom


Splatoon 3 is very good. The amount of detail in the game is amazing. The storyline is great whilst housing some of the darkest lore yet in Splatoon Iā€™ve seen so far. There is still a dlc(Or dlcā€™s hopefully) coming with more story and they look great so far. The music is so amazing I listen to it when programming or when Iā€™m just on a car ride. The gameplay is really good in my opinion as well. Turf War is good and Ranked battles add more challenge. Anyways yes it is a good game.

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ok, thanks i was thinking about getting it, lets make a deal, i buy splatoon 3 you get hades

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Swap Hades with hollow knight and Iā€™ll call it a deal.

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can do, also if your getting hollow knight i highly recemend doing the path of pain, its very easy

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okay, deal

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Donā€™t know what the path of pain is but ok!

(Just be aware that Splatoon 3 costs $60ā€¦)

one word, christmas (if you dont celebrate i respect that)

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I do celebrate Christmas, thatā€™s where I get half my books from. Afterall itā€™s usually all I ask for.

for me its the one time a year i can get expensive games

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