The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 3

I had some friends around the same age as me that I thought were good peers, but after seeing some of their actions, I’m starting to question it. It will get to a point when you start outgrowing the very friends you have.

Some may say I’m homophobic for this, but just about everyone in my old friend group claimed to be bisexual or had some interest to the same gender. Of course, a Christian, I didn’t mind this at first. But as I soon grew to understand, that maybe some of their jokes weren’t actually jokes and I couldn’t bear to be around that type of behavior so I had to distant myself from them. Not that they weren’t bad people, but they had opposite political views, religions that went against everything I believed, and other things I started finding out and to grow in my own beliefs, it was best I just avoid such things.

My current friend group were mostly just a bunch of gaming buddies I started meeting on behalf of another friend and they were enjoyable to be around until there was some conflict in their friend group and harassment so I wasn’t sure who to really befriend.

The one kid they were harassing because of accusations turned out to be a really good person after meeting a few times so I wasn’t entirely sure what he had done or what lies had to be shared, but it’s pretty hard to find anyone honest.

I’m glad you found a pretty good friend group. Most of my good friends are through the church and most of them don’t partake in activities like dnd or mtg and even my youth pastor thought those type of games was kind of demonic even after I explained there’s correct ways of playing it. So I’ve been kind of alone on that, but we occasionally play steam games together.

I’ve been really wanting to Dm my own campaign, but I simply haven’t found anyone who would want to play. I had a friend who invited some other people to play, but after being on vacation for the last month, the summer’s practically over and he decided to call off on the entire campaign. It was kind of ironic that he suggested I hosted a campaign in the first place. So I’ve been waiting until college starts up and just find some willing participants who would want to play.


Man, you guys are still chatting. Well, I have more spare time to update my game.


I’d be willing to do dnd or a tcg! I am mostly the same way. I had a group of friends who I thought were a lot better people than they actually were. They used me to get both monetary and emotional gain then dumped me once I was sucked dry. After that, I have been a lot more careful about peer friendships. My church doesn’t believe that kind of stuff, even though I know it’s a common view in most churches, but rather they think that if you’re not best friends with everyone then you’re not being a good christian. Thus, even people I’m not particularly fond of want to know everything about me. College is also starting up for me, and I’m hoping to find solid people like that as well.


On Flowlab? What sort of "TCG"s are on Flowlab.

(I really need help, by the way.)

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Well he specifically mentioned Magic the Gathering, which I did enjoy for a while. However, that’s not available online except through a cheesy low quality app.


Did you have another TCG in mind? Just wondering.

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No I don’t, but I’m open to ideas. Maybe we could even find a video game we could all do like Albion.



Freddy Fazbear Banking

Mortgage Broker LOW RATES Frederick Fitzgerald Fazbear

Freddy Fazbear’s Bank & Pizzeria

why does that look so incredibly weird

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Good question customer! Here is a calculator if you want to calculate financial business.


Why did you change your username, John?

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anybody have an enemy idea for my shadow wizard money gang game? :))

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No, what’s the game about and what do you need ideas for?

well, its based off the shadow wizard money gang meme and its a wave defence but idk what to do for the enemys

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Is it top down or platformer?

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top down where your in the middle and you shoot enemys with spells then once you die you can buy better spells after getting coins.

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Does anyone know to use alpha pixels (Translucent) to draw a sprite?

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