The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 3

Anyway, I hosted a poll in the Foundation discussion to see who’s all interested in what event. I’m not sure when it’ll happen, but probably soon.

Nope, in Canada our school year ends later, after this friday I’m free.

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How is everyone doing today this fine evening? I just finished teaching 3D printing summer camp and thoroughly impressed my employer. I’m feeling great.


I’m an unsearchable gif

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this man is reacting to hearing miss the rage for the first time

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You can’t search for epilepsy on Tenor GIFs or Discord anymore


wait what do you mean?

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh nvm now i got it lol

I tried it out. It’s pretty fun so far, thanks for introducing it to me.


i hope im back from camp before otc 4 come out

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Yes, I play Halo Infinite more now. Genshin Impact was fun for the first part but slowly, as the need to upgrade characters grew stronger, the game became more boring. Since I don’t have much spare weekday time to play Video games, I normally stick to games where I can play without worrying about constantly having to spend hours upgrading characters.

We aren’t at 1k posts yet. I think you’re in the safe zone.

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so my house got set on fire…not joking this actually happened this morn that’s why I’ve been offline…then I come back to find what I thought was a funny quote out of context as me hating people or dif views…but whatever I’m just really tired today


it was a grease fire when I was making breakfast…

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did you get ur valuebles and\or family out of there?

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family yes mostt valulabes no but we managed to get the fire out with minimal damage but…it was bad


is the fire station on their way?
and what about pets?

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got a crick in my back from carrying my baby sister all day…fire peeps came got rid of our stove (it was broke) and we don’t have pets anymore

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(did the fire kill ur pets?!?!? : ( )

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nah our dog died a couple weeks ago