The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 3

How are we nearly there

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someone translated the description of the part and apparently it’s designed after racing wheelchairs lol

We have like 10 more posts to go

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hey witch carather was i? i couldnt see from the poster, also bee should be mantis

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Mmmnmmnmmnm cool

Hm any really, I think all of my favorites are taken or not on there.

I would like to say a solemn thank you to most of you for being a flowlabber

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And not being annoying like me

Sure, if Mantis isn’t taken I’ll be that one.

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Guys last post should be the poster, so… Don’t post!


warm. it’s warm embrace is comforting. lovely. my flesh is reborn.

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Ayayayaya hatsune miku W jajajaja espanol

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Bruh there is no way you messed it up


*Cue epic ending music


This topic was automatically closed after reaching the maximum limit of 10000 replies. Continue discussion at The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 3 (Part 4).