The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 3

cool but

You can change the name if you have indie.

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@paisleypug is ur isleward account ruginapug?

i just saw u go offline in isleward

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yeah, i tried it a bit, i HATE the movement

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(you will get used to it…eventualy)
man, it ■■■■■, all the people online totaly s.uck , there the type who judge based off your level, they even said “im not a important part of the comunity”
i was so glad to see you get on

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k, do you get access to multiplayer after getting off the island?

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yes, there is a chat once you leave the island, i guess thats why you couldnt see me

Just got back from the dentist :tooth:. Was told that my tooth is basically an egg shell and needs to get pulled out.


That is going to be really bad.(Atleast in my experience) I once had to get my tooth pulled because it was falling out but was getting pushed back into my gums. They do numb it but only in a small space so it still hurts at times(Atleast for me they did this) and they just use two wooden sticks with numbing jell on them to do it, they will often times just stick the wooden stick into your mouth leave it there and it will just stick up, it was such a weird feeling


i got my tooth pulled once, the worst part was the dentist stabbing the needle into my gums, i HATE needles


I had my wisdom teeth extracted, at least I had anesthetic.


I remember thinking while they were doing the extraction, or whatever to call it, and they were using just two wooden sticks, I kept thinking,“What if the stick breaks in my mouth or I get a splinter in my gums?” Like the what would they do?
@paisleypug They used needles for you? That sounds really crazy.
@nhgcr_for_the_3rd_time Yeah, i think they usually use anesthetic for that because you actually have to cut into the gums I think.


I don’t have my wisdom teeth yet, so when they pull the tooth I think we’ll keep the gap, because there is a good chance the wisdom tooth will shift forward and fill the gap


is there some other way to inject anesthetic?


Oh, I didn’t get anesthetic, they just used a numbing jel.


They use needles for that as well, I know from when I got a minor cavity removed.


for me they use a syringe to inject the numbing jell into ur mouth


They just put the jell on two sticks and went to work with them, no needles at all.


rip, also, you wanna play isleward?

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