The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 4

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but you can charizard on demand by subscribing to netflix for only 14.99 a month, in pokemon, gotta catch 'em all!

i want the game link not the topic

Dude the game link can be found there, I can’t get the link to a game blocked on my laptop.




@Deadly_Smile why you stop production its GREAT

Not sure why you’re taking it so personally, I didn’t see pug “meddle” with anything in your life other than just restating your current behavior from your useless spamming.

You also shouldn’t get upset over any online criticism or make it effect your life or else you would be in a world of hurt. Other platforms are so much worse.


no im only mad because cloud agreed with him

and i HATE cloud

Regardless of what your character is like outside of flowlab, it doesn’t justify what you were doing on here. Sure, we all use different behaviors when online or even around friends so it doesn’t really matter.

I don’t think Deadly_Smile was agreeing to pug out of spite or anything, but even with context on your personality, it still wasn’t the correct thing to do.


i agree i shouldent have took it so far

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I also don’t think you should be going around hating on anyone. If something happened outside of flowlab, then it should probably be dealt with outside of flowlab. I don’t see how confessing it on here will change anything other than just more useless posts.

Also if you just “hate” him because that he agreed that spamming isn’t good, then I don’t know what to tell you.
I have to head back to work, so I’m ending it here.


its our joke?i thought you would know this about now

man this one was so easy, i really threw

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randomly reading forum posts


mind to share some
