Ok, nice.
By the way, how much do all of you want to play Vehicle battlefield 2? Remember, it’ll be released one January 1st 1PM EST.
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Ok, nice.
By the way, how much do all of you want to play Vehicle battlefield 2? Remember, it’ll be released one January 1st 1PM EST.
I cant judge yet do to the fact i havent seen much of it or heard much about, make a teaser or a trailer to build up more hype
I wonder how buck and the others, (not Locke, he’s bald), keep their hair like that in the helmets.
Okay im getting excited for vbf 2, but once your fone would you like to continue on red inferno?
it short
Yeah, sure, but I have to complete the flowjam too first,
Just watched the ball drop live from new york. OR SO IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE. WHAT DAAA HAAIIIL!! All the video showed was a gay couple kissing! I am SERIOUSLY disappointed. No ball drop! Not even good songs sung beforehand!!! At least the Seattle Drone show should be pretty good…
I pulled up the live video on YouTube to verify and saw the same thing.
This world is definitely on the verge of collapse.
I’m just waiting for the 2024 presidential election. Can’t wait for that hellfire.
I want to watch the debates. I love a good verbal fight!!!
I knoowww. 2023 was bad enough. At least new electric cars will be coming out this year!
Who knows, maybe electric cars aren’t as good as they seem?
Well, the batteries are spontaneously combusting. My grandpa showed me a video of an entire lot of new teslas exploding because of the batteries in them.
They may seem green by themselves, but given the context, such as the manufacturing and mining of resources to create the batteries, they aren’t any better than gasoline cars.
I do believe diesel is probably the worst, every truck I see just blows dark smoke out of their exhaust and definitely doesn’t seem healthy.
Yea I heard about that, pretty risky business if you ask me.
Yeah, we’ll have to wait 'till 2026 for the solid-state batteries. I’m pretty sure they won’t have zinc. AND 600 miles of range, with only 20-something minutes of charging! But the world will have to survive 2 more years for that…
30 minutes until Vehicle Battlefield 2 is released!!! Happy new years, by the way.
I had to do a full systemic research on them for a debate team (basically mock trial but a tiny bit less formal) and the emissions used to craft the batteries alone is more than a gasoline car running for its entire lifetime. Then again, Tesla could potentially be the only exception to that, as they make their batteries in America. I am unsure of them.
Yep, zinc mining isn’t the best for the air.
They’re self-independent. They make their own batteries, steel, and just about everything else, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have to mine zinc.
Also, did you hear a new model 2 is coing out that’s only $25K?! (Or so Elon says).