I figured out how to use the Essential mod that BradenS told me about. Basically it acts like a steam friends page and you can join your friends worlds if they invite you to it or publicly host your world altogether. It does reveal your IP address so I only recommend inviting friends only, but I tried with my brother and it worked pretty well, except his computer couldn’t run the mods for some reason so it was super laggy for him.
I finished the basics like html & css, and javascript and now I’m trying to finish up python and move on to C# and database. What are you studying?
That’s neat! A fellow scripting flowlabian. I’m personally doing C++ and Java.
The world is really good, I wouldn’t say it’s as open as the other games you described, but there is still a ton of work put in to recreating New York down to the last detail
If Mr. Beast dies who is twitter going to cancel???
7 Days until I could start speaking in the Flow-Discord.
7 Days until I am able to let myself show my voice to the internet.
7 Days until I become 13.
Also @Deadly_Stars I’m sick again.
I love having germs invading the premises of my body.
No, but seriously I am actually sick everything hurts.
live and learn
I also now have the ability to cough 10-17 times in a row. I’m reaching up to being able to cough 12-23 times in a row soon.
i cough 24/7
Good for you.
I dont give a clip
I could join the Flow-Discord, but I can’t find it anywhere or use it on this device.
Just log out of your flow-acount, and log back in and enter the forums, and there will be a discord link I believe up-top. I am already in the discord but I joined when I was 12 and John advised I join when I’m actually 13.
I am confused on how to verify my account as it isn’t giving me the email.
Did you use a fake email for you discord acc