The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 5

I think if you try to edit indie behaviors in free mode, they’ll disappear.


Hey Bobos! How’ve you been?
Yep, the community keeps growing.


Hello everyone

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My honest opinion


When I was younger I didn’t really like Mania because there wasn’t any dialogue so I didn’t really understand the story and I kind of sucked at the game. I absolutely LOVE Lost World, since I played it on the Wii U. I would beg my Uncle to play with me and play as the drone thing but I got stuck at the skinny purple guy boss. (forgot his name)
Sonic Generations was my first game on my Xbox 360 but I quit because I kept drowning in a factory themed level with purple water. (The drowning theme still scares me.)


Go to Ember’s art and animation station for more information!


You mean chemical plant? and mania was fire what are you talking about. Lost world animations were smooth af (as fluff)

Yeah I liked Mania but I didn’t really understand what was going on. Chemical Plant is what got me to quit Generations and Lost World was fire.

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Why is there so many sonic games!?


Give us the answer to why Mario has so many games and come back to us later.

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These are just mainline i have one that rankes EVERY sonic game quit after forces

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Sonic Mobile Running Game (Sonic Dash)

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I don’t know why? I don’t play all the mario games anyway so I can’t even rank them.

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Who would win?

Well it’s probably because both Mario and Sonic are popular characters so Nintendo could make money by having more games and hyping fans.



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It just seems like so SO manyyyyy.

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For some reasons nintendo doesn’t own sega anymore because they release games on xbox and playstation again

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wdym Obama wins by landslide

Even if that was a joke, I’m religious so I still think God would win.