I am very much interested in it. Next time it goes on sale I am buying it immediately. It’s basically Risk of Rain x Warhammer.
Uh… what happened here in the last four hours?!
Yeah, no kidding.
i very well could be buying it later today
Looks like a lesser version of Halo!
its halo but more american
Americans are never serious.
But they do have lots of guns!
(but so does halo I guess…)
Halo is mostly American anyways… I think.
No I thought Halo took place in space, not America.
Haha. I guess you’re right. You should really try Halo though.
I only played the one I found in the arcade
neither is the game, its half action, but still has plenty of comedy
plus the whole game is real time multiplayer, meaning what players do actualy affect the story in real time
the fans are super imearsed and arent toxic because there to busy swearing revenge on joel, a game dev that some fans have incorporated into the lore, because joel reset the player bases progress taking over a planet
you know how i said that the fans arent toxic? well thats not 100% true cause one fan named GantzTheDemon slaughtered his entire team, his team mates have ordered for anyone who sees him to shoot on sight, so now half the player base has been hunting down and killing Gantz over and over again
ah yes, halo raven team
Almost beat the whole game with my Godbrother
Man, that must be fun! Millions VS ONE!
That’s the way I like to play.
try it, i will alert the helldivers official discord lol
I just did. 6-1 with random power-weapons. I won by more than double kills.