Hi Pug. Please don’t join the on-going conversation about pickup lines.
(I am making a joke about severing my brain stem with a hunting rifle)
I’m crying while laughing right now. That’s so bad.
Please keep this topic PG.
I don’t even get it and it’s still bad.
i’m sorry but these are not cool
these are plain cringe
A person married me just to get divorced
That was random.
They try kill me
What on Earth even is that- WAIT! I don’t want to know.
They sleep
Oh I forgot to ask this yesterday as a Valentines Day thing so I’m asking today.
What are some y’all’s favorite love songs?
Its crazy dave
I only listen to video game ost
My favorite is called “I can Break my Heart myself”, by Itzy. In other words, I don’t listen to love songs.
And avm minecraft pigstep remix
I have YouTube blocked.
want an unblocker just pay me 0.00 money so we can go