Off of the people you listed is it from Helldivers?
Yep, and also
That’s what I thought.
Halo players.
Best FPS.
Disagree, there could be better. Although from what I’ve heard it is pretty good.
Ah I’ve never played.
Why what happened?
The graphics are amazing, the game modes are amazing, and the campaign is amazing.
You can customize everything, from Colors and armor to look sensitivity and controls.
My brother and I made a custom game-mode that we call Speed fiesta. It’s straight Chaos and almost killed my Xbox. It’s so darn fun.
16 players running around on a race-track at 3x speed with random power-weapons and super-abilities.
What happened to the piston sounds??
Yeah but there can be better games. There are new games coming out every year.
Eh, the only thing that could be better is a Halo 5 without multiplayer bugs.
Also, warning to Halo 5 players, the community there can upload any screenshot to a custom game cover. This means the toxic members have some Explicit game covers. Watch out when using custom browser and when finding game-modes.
Yeah but lots of people have many ideas. Who knows? Maybe someone might make something better than Minecraft one day,
Probably, but minecraft is a very well-made game.
The only bug I know of is swimming on the floor.
Are you talking about bugs in Minecraft or Halo?
Minecraft has a LOT of bugs.
Really? I haven’t experience many.
In Bedrock you can die whilst flying on an elytra because the game thinks you’re hitting the ground while you’re arial.
A person died in Bedrock because they were standing on slabs because the game thought they were falling down.