You see Gabriel deviantart drawings when you watch gameplay?
Never played and never will
I DONT REMEMBER, i made a bunch of omori references, it couldve been a joke because i dont want you to kill yourself at all, i know the feeling and i wouldnt wish it on anybody, that doesnt sound like me to yell kys for an omori refrence
one time this years I made a single omori reference and I havenât made one at all in the same week and you told me to shut up about omori nobody likes it
just play game without Gabriel problem solved
You can do that?
Pikmin 2 is actually really fun and its not as relaxing as Pikmin 4, if you want intense Pikmin gameplay, then play Pikmin 2
beating a level with cheats still unlocks the level after
Yeah but not kys, i would never want anybody to kill themsleves
youâve only told me that twice in my life and it was 6th grade and this year
Saving for xenoblade 2, parents want get me that game for some reason
Why are we discussing this.
I was stupid then, but for real i DONT remember
Daily Cloud and Adam argument, but true we should stop discussing the act of doing that on the forums
Damn thatâs actually insane
Or just in general. Thereâs so much to live to do! I wouldnât dream of committing suicide.
I dont know, i lose my memory quick, its been happening for a while and my parents think its a waste of time to go to the docter (also ive been losing sight)
Why you kids gotta say that so often.
Because I grew up in a household where damn isnât a curse word!
Screens Adam. Screens.