The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 6

Gewdness Gwacious me.


I use clip champ is pretty simplistic.

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How it feels like when you come back and have no idea what was going on:


Well I finished it!

Since probably no one here cares TOO MUCH…

I’ll make two versions, an unlisted and public. Unlisted releases… now. And public… also releases… now- okay, I’ll make one version.

Link will be edited here when it posts!

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Keep in mind I su^ck at editing, and this is my first published game.

Publishing on Oct 1st!

If I can figure out how to export on windows, that is.

(2nd edit) E[quote=“Ancient_Civilizations_Dev_Team, post:1094, topic:43550, full:true”]
Well I finished it!

Since probably no one here cares TOO MUCH…

I’ll make two versions, an unlisted and public. Unlisted releases… now. And public… also releases… now- okay, I’ll make one version.

Link will be edited here when it posts!

Equally good video. No, better.

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I had Ai generate this for inspo and now I’m ■■■■■■■ jealous:
His name is Spiney

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I did Proof:

:skull_and_crossbones: :skull: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull:
Try img searching it and click look for source

Then i generated a img with the img:

Stop using AI

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Why? I use it for inspo then I translate it into pixel


Do you have any sources?

“Training a large language model like GPT-3, for example, is estimated to use just under 1,300 megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity; about as much power as consumed annually by 130 US homes. To put that in context, streaming an hour of Netflix requires around 0.8 kWh (0.0008 MWh) of electricity. That means you’d have to watch 1,625,000 hours to consume the same amount of power it takes to train GPT-3.”

"Training a model such as Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (or GPT-3) is estimated to use just under 1,300 megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity. This is roughly equivalent to the annual power consumption of 130 homes in the US.

Training the more advanced GPT-4, meanwhile, is estimated to have used 50 times more electricity.

Overall, the computational power needed for sustaining AI’s growth is doubling roughly every 100 days.",transparent%20and%20inclusive%20AI%20systems.

A paragraph full off horrible grammar and punctuation, as well as 15 swears doesn’t exactly scream “I did my research”.

You aren’t making a valuable point by using every derogatory term and vulgar word available in the English dictionary. If your typical way of handling arguments is through acting like a toddler on a Xbox Live voice chat in 2008, you may want to consider looking for ways to better prove your point.

AI, in every sense of the word, is immoral, when used in creative as well as professional fields. Not only does it work to consume a lot of power to generate your stupid images (a simple Google search would tell you this.) that you claim are “original” because you took 2 seconds to compress it to a lower resolution and called it “pixel art”, those images are not even remotely original, nor yours, as what most image AI works off of is already provided media. If this was purchased royalty stock images, this would not be an issue, but alas, instead what it does is steal from artists trying to make a buck or two on the internet by posting their hard work, only for you to sit in your chair at home and type your little “abracadabra make this thing for me right now”.

Nothing about AI is defendable, it simply wastes energy and makes a profit off of theft. It’s theft to the power of two and by using it you’re not any better.

Disbelieve the facts all you want, but you’re entering a battle of wits and you’re only armed with weaponized incompetence and shameless idiocracy.


I only ever use AI art for different concepts, just for ideas, I don’t use the image directly. And I did use it a few times to create custom magic the gathering cards, but that’s only because I wanted to test new game mechanics while also making the card seem somewhat presentable without having to spend hours making a piece, I won’t end up using. All for personal use, nothing marketable or promotional.


You’re not some upstanding, independent, respectable individual for not caring about the efforts of artists, either. What you are saying those things on is a forum literally designed and made for artists to connect and communicate with one another, and by being here on Flowlab, you are one of those artists, ergo you are insulting and belittling your own kind.

You lack the parameters of information to win this argument, and I will be flagging your posts as all you’ve started is a train wreck of an argument.


And another thing. I’m not done with you just yet.


Your list is a pretty pathetic way to admit your loss. You haven’t said it directly, but your choice to cuss out Braden and say he’s “typing an encylopedia” is both shameful and ironic, as you yourself had a tantrum soon after of your own in a desperate attempt to prove him wrong. People like you are the reason climate change, pollution, and the economy are at an all-time doom. There is not very many large companies generating images, either - and if they are, they’re low-budget. It’s mainly the people, and you’re too afraid to admit you’re part of the problem. Give up.

You attempted to open fire on the opponents, but you used a nearly empty mag and just shot yourself in the foot.


This is a wild take to have considering you’re talking to a bunch of actual artists lol.

By supporting AI you insult yourself, the others here, and millions more who pour passion and talent into their works only to have it ripped from their hands by a soulless machine that exists only to mangle it and present it as its own work.

Everything Braden and extrez have said I completely agree with. And by having a meltdown like you did you’re only proving our point.

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Hi, just gonna bump in here. So you’re discussing 3 different arguments at the same time, which means that discussing both at the same time is just messing things up. (Hi4250 attitude, energy consumption, and AI art). Discussing on topics you disagree about is good and healthy, but please do so in a respectful manner and be open to have your mind changed.

About energy consumption, a little misunderstanding about it. Training the AI takes lots of energy, that is true. Is it end of the world stuff? Who knows, probably not, though it’ll likely limit how much we can do if we have to slow down for energy to catch up. That or they’ll just build even more power stations. It’s an issue, but they’re not going to take all of our energy.
Is it a waste, depends on how it’s used, though obviously here your opinion is that it’s a waste.

For asking a question or making art via AI, it does take energy. A large amount, but much less than training, and that’s something that often gets confused about when discussing the topic.

Regarding AI art stealing, yeah it does. It takes what it sees, finds patterns, then replicates it in a new way (sometimes new, other times directly copying, either way inspired by its training data. Which is often stolen).
Don’t use AI and claim it as your own or as commercial/creative products. If you use it for inspiration, sure go ahead I don’t have an issue with that. I think a google search could probably give a better reference because you’ll get more variety, but if it works better for you that’s alright. But don’t just copy what it gives, that’s almost the same as copying an image from google.

So for all those hating on him for simply using AI, stop it. You are allowed to use AI and marvel at how awesome it is. If you hate how it works, fine, but don’t push that onto the person who uses it. Also make sure to throw out a lot of your belongings due to their origins in poor conditions and cheap labor.

You can say supporting AI is insulting people, and if that’s your view fine. Don’t try to pretend and be all high and mighty just because you don’t use AI.
AI is a tool, and should be used as such, not replacing artists. We agree there. So now because you generate AI content, you’re now stealing from artists and suddenly labeled bad. Go ahead and yell at all those Mario game remakes that use the art without permission. The truth is no one wants people stealing, and what you should be advocating for (and maybe are, but poorly voicing it), is the knowledge that what you create with AI isn’t your own and shouldn’t be used in that manner. If you use it for concept art or for idea, go for it.
Sadly though, I think AI has just become a buzz word that has driven so much hate that you don’t even think about what you’re hating on and why. Or the double standard set. You could try to argue it’s the number of artists you’re stealing from at once because AI is trained on so much, but I really doubt you want to argue for limited stealing. What really is the difference between AI and taking Mario from online, the popularity? No, what you should be advocating for more is the knowledge not to use it in commercial use, but inspiration is fine. Just showing off AI art, I can get the annoyance there. But again, labeling someone as “just as bad” is entirely wrong given the dozen of others double standards you keep.

However, your reaction to @hi4250five being an absolutely silly billy is perfectly fine. Stop cursing @hi4250five and acting like a brat, you frankly know very little about what you’re talking about. Besides being ignorant, that’s fine (if you try to bully someone for being ignorant, shut up idiot, that’s not how you help someone learn), you just showed no respect or any manners.


GREAT HEAVENS WHAT IS ALL THAT (Also why is hifive acting all gansta with the curses left and right all of a sudden?)