The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 7

We have the power to bend and change time just by quoting!! :smiling_imp:

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Red is fine :+1:

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That’s my right half talking

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this is the most diabolical thing ever known to mankind, yet no one shall care how ridiculous it is because it gives us the chuckles

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Alright no more false advertising

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Btw you can change the username

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that is actually what i was thinking as i was posting that. and I edited the post so it actually says that now.

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Things grow, things rot, the universe watches indifferently


wow, this sorta reminds me of a risk of rain map for some reason.


The mysteries of time and the universes part in it is questionable

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so is the status of my sanity

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Below 10% on average?

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its about 0.000000000000000001

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That is questionable!

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another thing that’s questionable is why this OTC is going by so fast.

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