The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 7

something you pay 200 bucks to get like an ai sample of a characters voice to use for songs


like what Adam said, it’s basically a voice bank in which you can use it to make music with. A lot of Vocaloids have different voices and given different names like Hatsune Miku or Kagmine Rin


Yes and i absolutely hated it lol.


Many times… that’s why most of my OC’s are bald now.


okay but does anyone like drawing their characters hair as shapes instead of actual hair

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That is how I start making characters.
Make a block-out (out of shapes)
Colour it (With basic colours)
Shade it (With more complex colours)


no, i just draw goku’s hair then change it a bit

of course you do that that’s just disgusting

no it isnt, you’re disgusting

its not even the Goku part that’s disgusting its the fact that’s that is the only way you draw hair

you cant even make anything original its just :nauseated_face:

it isn’t the only way I draw hair.
I never said it was the only way I draw hair bro :skull:

Bro didnt even mention anything else what was I supposed to say? :skull:

I do that when I’m having trouble drawing hair for a male character

:skull: :skull: :skull:

think cloud think
After all I did for you, this is how you repay me?
but I can start all over again, get another friend.

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okay and what’s your point

bro didn’t get the reference, so uncultured

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cloud you look like a poly ai generated bot

