vocal cords
I ripped off my brothers vocal cords for fun (in a game)
let me guess, mortal kombat? (seems like something you would do honestly.)
Finish Him
relatable honestly. your cat still existing?
yeah, I cant believe my parents let them play that game
Yep, my cat is fine, the puppies tried to WALK INTO THE OVEN tho, so now I’m not letting them leave the room if I’m not there.
puppies can be dumb sometimes. trust me, we had 7 pug puppies in our living room last summer.
Eh, they’ll probably fine out soon that fire is dangerous, but I’ve never had this problem with any pets before as they are usually older than 2 months, these pups were given to us while they were 1 month old, and I’d say we raised em’ well, but they are still stoopi.
TLDR; My pups are stupid but are still cute.
so are ours. they sometimes ran into walls. we raised the 7 puppies since birth. I had to clean up A LOT of dog feces (P O O).
my mind every single day:
what’s up mortals
this is why all mortals need to be erased