The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 7

yeah. but I’ma sue :sunglasses:

no offense Calvin but I don’t think you should try and act as a therapist (if that’s what you’re trying to do)

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no wait how tho

like why would you forget it

bro tryna throw me out of the job :disappointed:

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I’m not trying to act like a therapist.

To ease the drama

I’ll protect you bro

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致命 星星 人工智能 完全不是人工智能,只是一个使用聊天 G P T 中的文本来回复的随机人。

Deadly Star AI is not an AI at all, just a random person that responds using text from the chat G P T.

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It’s true!

Deadly Star Artificial Intelligence A completely wrong artificial intelligence, only one person can use it.

Goofy system deleted my quote

“Goofy system deleted my quote” AHHHH reply.

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so basically I needed to pray, but I need to wash myself first
since my parents took 50 generations in the bathroom they said “Just use the public restroom”
and since I stayed over at the mosque I said its dirty
when I finally washed myself my parents took the car and ran (I was still in the street) and now I’m grounded till 18 awell

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Eat that flowlab community system

bro wait that sucks so much

anyway – welcome to the club

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heh, thanks

fatal star :skull:

yeah but now I have it for an arg