The Original Glorious Off Topic Channel Of Destiny

guys im almost done with my little game called punkin

I am almost done with getting started on my arena game XD

You guys are making games?

I meannnnn its tempting to try and join lol

yes i am. a big game and a smaller game. Touch of Steel and Punkin

You just have,this is pretty much the chaos

yeah, I hardly have much on it, check it out anyway, and the music if you want- My Music for the upcoming game - #2 by RealityGlitchStudios - Art, Sounds, and Music - Flowlab Community
Flowlab Game Creator - Arena of The Shattered Realms(Not Completed)

Lol cool :sunglasses:

whoah thats a really good sprite

you can thank my friend Adrian Darkfellow, he goes by many names, I met him at school and we played lots of games, he makes sprites now and sells em, I get the sprite/packs for free so long as i give him credit(he said that I didnt have to give him credit, but i am doing it anyway)

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cool. want to see mine?

you know what, i am listening to both of your stuff, so ima punish you with mine- the full concert/album-

live upon a blackstar - YouTube

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do you guys think we’ll look back on the otc and these messages with nostalgia or with cringe

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nostalgia, badass music, no one better have regrets.

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Cringe, 100% cringe

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i’m confident you have a good taste in music

you do have a good taste in music

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I literally just started listening to “Heat of the desert” already my faviorite of them all.


you have passed the poor music taste test
music taste:good


I have no idea what my taste would be lol XD (prbly bad lol XD)

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