The Original Glorious Off Topic Channel Of Destiny

Like I said I understand both sides and treating either side as evil is wrong.

oh. I didn’t know it was in relation to my comment. I don’t dislike people that like anime, on another note. I just dislike the genre in itself. Art isn’t supposed to cause divide.


I agree with that 100%
Well more like 90


I like the “heretic” animes like Avatar and Dragon Prince.

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Did you know you can get Flowlab on Nintendo Switch?


How!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ( I wanna try my game on switch


Can I just say that our [REDACTED] and our channel are the biggest on the forums? Good job team!!! :slight_smile:


Step 1:Go to SwitchBru DNS. (You can find out how to on a video called “How to get roblox on the switch” by Sharkblox)
Step 2:Go to “Search URL”
3:Put in “” or the link to your game.
4:You can move with (<) (^) (>) (v) on some games.

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That can and will get you banned from all online services on your switch, and will get you hacked because you are using that DNS. DO NOT DO IT.

How do u know

Using the browser unauthorized is bannable, and using that DNS will get your Switch hacked, making it unusable. After it’s hacked, they can use the debit card number linked to your Switch to buy whatever they want on the internet.

Oh ok i guess no console for flowlab STILL

Im kid i dont have a debit card

WAIT but my dad uses his OoF

What?I’ve used the DNS before and nothing has happened.Maybe because I don’t have a SwitchBru DNS acc?Idk.

Using other people’s DNS is still dangerous.

Uhh…okay…?But you can still change the DNS settings back to automatic.

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And just unlink the debit card.

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Just randomly got this recommended to me.


Sounds like the “oof” is used very often. Is that an assault rifle brand or something? Lol.
‘my good o’l oof and I’