The passing of TGW

Rest in peace, TGW. You were a talented designer and a friendly and welcome member to the community. You helped a lot of us out here, and I’m sure among other places as well. You will always be remembered here, on the forums and our hearts. My prayers to everyone in TGW’s family and friends as they recover, and a good bye to TGW.


Sadly it is true. I made this account so I could play his games he made. I enjoyed them immensely. He was taken from us far too soon. One friend I know said that Billy Joel was right-- Only the Good Die Young. I’m glad he got to touch so many people’s lives, he certainly did mine


I offer my sincerest condolences to TGW and his family. He was a very great guy.


Rest in peace TGW, we’ll all miss you


My account finally works and this is what I see. Is this true? :cry:


Can you share how he died, if I may ask?

He was one of the special ones, few and far between.


You missed where they said heart attack. TGW died of a heart attack. That’s anything but a fun way out


I usually have something to say but I’m out of words…


I’ve been checking the forums a bit and I never noticed this discussion.

I know some people usually just afk from the forums sometimes, but the thought of them actually passing is just kinda hard to grasp.
I was friends with TGW and we did chat a lot in PMs and I have to say he was a very good person and it is very sad to see that this had happen.
I just never would have seen something like this ever happening.


I’m completely speechless. TGW was a great friend to me and a whole lot of other people. We talked he, made me laugh, and I moved on with my day as if everything was going to be fine. Little did I know he was going to pass so shortly after, but this isn’t about me this is about tgw. Rest in peace, because you’ve touched so many people in ways that most couldn’t even dream of achieving. Thank you for all the happiness you’ve shared with all of us :heartpulse:

 Thank you,

He was the only adult other than Grazer that I trusted in my whole life




I am sorry I didn’t expand on that. The first day I found out that he was dead, I was distraught. This isn’t the only forum TGW was on, I met him on another one. I was told that he had a heart attack, and then his liver, kidneys, and lungs shut down. His girlfriend was there holding his hand when they pulled the plug on his oxygen. He had a cardiac arrest officially. His girlfriend said that he died peacefully in his sleep. I know some of you have asked if this is for real, and is it a joke, and I can sorrowfully assure you that it is no joke. I knew TGW for a year and a half, and I wish I had known him for more. He was like a second father to me, a friend, and a great guy. He will be missed by many. For those of you who wish to know more, I can provide a link to the other forum he was on where it goes more in depth.


I hope this information is false, he was like an online father to me. He’s helped me with life issues that he himself didn’t witness firsthand but did when he was younger, and I’m very fortunate for that. I again sincerely hope this isn’t true, whatsoever. I’ve took a break from flowlab, and it seems like I’ll be taking an even longer break.

This would make sense, as I’ve been trying to reach him on every media platform there is for the past 2 weeks and he hasn’t even been online.


Please do, provide the link. I’d like to know, this is heartbreaking to me.


He was the one that was helping me rebuild trust in adults. Every one has backstabbed, betrayed or abandoned me except for him. He meant a great deal to me… I’m stunned by his loss.


I was the one who reached out to him to help him with Flowlab, and I taught him all of the basic things about Flowlab. Then we became amazing friends, and he’s helped me through relationships, school, parents, and personal experiences that I’ve had trouble with. I’ve been depressed for the past 2 years and he was the best thing to come into my life because he always prepared me for the worst and educated me for the best. I’m struggling right now because I recently exited a relationship, and entered a new one and it’s a lot. Him being there for me was the best thing I could have ever asked for and we had hours of conversations every night on discord. I wish he could have lived long enough for me to repay him in thanks.

  • Love your TGW, if you somehow see this, wherever afterlife is.

Hopefully this helps you. There is even replies in there from his girl friend of 9 years. I’m deeply sorry for your loss. I know how you feel, and I am unashamed to say i cried a lot the day he died.


For anyone that didn’t see.


I didn’t see this discussion until now, but… I’m shocked and saddened to hear this. He and I talked occasionally to one another, and he was a great, great person. Even though I didn’t announce it at the time (due to my recent lack of activity on Flowlab), I was happy and proud to see that one of his games won third place in the FlowJam and got featured.

May he rest in peace. @TGW will forever be a part of this community and our hearts. :cry: :sob: