The Pumpkin Previews (Closes until Further Notice)

I didn’t even realize I wrote that much, lol. I guess it’s a real in depth review.

Anyway I wasn’t able to play with sound on, but I’m sure the sound effects are probably pretty good and add to better gameplay. I realized this was a bad time to start reviews since the weekend is approaching and I will most likely be super swamped the next few days.


Would you review my game? I’ve been looking for things to improve about it and any feedback is appreciated!

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I’ll get right on it.

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Is the game currently finished?

Also is there anyway the speed could be increased? I feel like I’m super slow.

(This isn’t the review, yet)

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Do you mind reviewing any of these games? You can choose the one you want to review since none of them really have a priority. Some of them are a work in progress.


Flowlab Game Creator - The Minigame Dome
Flowlab Game Creator - taile gamougg: Through The Elements
Flowlab Game Creator - You Are the Light
Flowlab Game Creator - Drop-In
Flowlab Game Creator - Invasion of the Defaults

I’m considering a campaign because I think that would be cool to implement. As for the speed, go to ‘options’ and set the difficulty to hard.

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Alright. I was testing out the game and wandered why the speed was super slow. At first I though my computer was lagging really bad, lol.

Once I get a good run in, I’ll post a review soon.

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I could do all of them, but they won’t be very lengthy like I would post, unless you want me to pick just one and give a lengthy review on it.

Thank you so much for the review! I have read all of it and will think about it way more over the weekend :slightly_smiling_face:.

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just one, whichever one you think feels the most finished/acceptable for reviewing


Ace Vanguard 2 By @DarkStar_Studios

The Artstyle:

I really enjoy the art style used for this game. The UI and Menu look great and I love the simplicity of using majority of a single color. The Game itself had pretty good artwork on the ships, although I wish there was a way to make them more noticeable or have a slight different color than the asteroids. There were little pods scattered across the map that when you run into them they detonate, but I could hardly notice them from the asteroids at times and ran into them.

I can’t really say anything negative about it. I love the piece when it shows the inside of the cockpit. I would say the art style is a 8/10. There are some minor details that could be added such as differentiating the color between enemies and natural generations. The map itself could use a bit more work, maybe background planets and nearby suns? Also the background objects sometimes bug out and start glitching, but I’m not sure if that’s just a loading issue or a bug in the game so this I won’t count for the grade.

Everything looks well made and I can see this on the featured page if it’s not already.


The story is a bit of a mystery since you aren’t given a lot of context on what the two sides are exactly other than the team you play as and the Neptunians. (I think I spelled that correctly).
Although the mysterious story is quite intriguing and I feel you could increase the atmosphere by maybe unlocking parts of the story a but more as you progress through the endless mode. Maybe by every boss you kill, you unlock a small piece or something.

This is if you want to progress the story in the game.

The Gameplay is pretty simple and quite enjoyable. A game like this has quite a replay ability and I love the leaderboard to compare and compete scores. The only thing I have to say is the game is pretty difficult and I don’t understand the idea of having an easy mode when the enemies and you move so slow. Like it was a little too slow to even play the game and enjoy it. The hard mode was pretty enjoyable, but the ships controls are a bit hard to navigate at times, but with the idea of no gravity or friction, whatever direction you are propelled in, you continuously move in that direction.

The gameplay is a bit fun, but I feel there could be a bit more added to it to make it worth playing over and over again. Maybe unlocking parts of the story or maybe even adding a simple shop to purchase upgrades, item drop chances, etc that allow the game to be easier and more enjoyable as you play. (Just an idea)

For Gameplay and Story I give a 7/10, mostly because I feel there is something more that can be added, but above all, It’s still a really great game as is and is quite enjoyable. Although I do get a bit bored after playing for a duration since the only real goal is beating your, or other’s, score each play through.

The Mechanics:

The UI has some pretty cool mechanics to allow selecting what ship you want and the sliding blast door to reveal the game is pretty unique. The game itself is a bit bland on mechanics since you basically fly around and try to shoot while avoiding enemies.
I played each ship and I feel some are more balanced than others. The Bastion is probably the best one in my opinion. Even though it has a very slow turning rate, the ability to aim and shoot with a mouse is the best. The others may move faster or have faster turning, but they only can shoot where they are facing which makes attacking enemies really difficult.
I’m not for sure, but there could be a way of balancing that feature out a bit more. Like maybe even decreasing the shield a bit on the Bastion since it’s already a bit too strong.
But I can tell most of these are well balanced besides the Bastion for the ability to aim and shoot.

The enemies are simple enough, they fly straight at you and the bosses will shoot. The pods are a bit annoying since they can be hard to notice and can drain your shield when not paying attention, but it adds to the gameplay.

I also feel like the ship should have stabilizers so when you move in a direction, the ship will start to correct itself and slow itself down to a stop. I also feel you should continuously move in a direction while holding W instead of just launching once in the direction you are facing.

I’m not for sure if this would improve gameplay or not, but I feel making the movement on the ships a bit more smoother to work with would definitely help on the replay ability.

For Mechanics, I give a 6/10 on. The mechanics so far are simple and work pretty well. I do notice a few features such as the dialogue that make the game feel more complete.

As for difficult, which is applicable, I want to go ahead and give it a 4/5 on difficulty (I’ll add to total scores on this since you didn’t recommend it, but I feel the game goes towards it.) The game is pretty enjoyable on its own and does have a good sense of difficulty in it. Especially when you reach higher waves and feel a bit overwhelmed.

The Theme I would give a 3/5, mostly because it’s not exactly an original concept with a flying ship in space attacking enemies that come near. But the story and the overall polish of the game gives the score. If you add some sort of mechanic or feature other ship based games don’t usually have, this could help your game to be more unique than what’s already out there.

For final grade (without difficulty) is:

For final grade (without difficulty) is:


For final grade (with difficulty) is:


The game currently seems to work well on it’s own and I feel it even seems a bit incomplete, but for a small minigame such as this, It is pretty enjoyable than most games I’ve played on here. I looked through the code and noticed the main gameplay is on endless mode, which I feel there might even be future modes to be added. If this is the case, I can’t wait to see what you add in the future.


I would have went a little more in depth on it, but I was crunched for time at the moment.

I haven’t forgot about anyone on here, I’ve been pretty busy and I’m surprised I even pushed a review out today.


Sorry I haven’t been reviewing games like I wanted. I’ve been quite busy with work and school, plus trying to stay mentally sane in between.


It’s ok lol we all have lives that we are living and sometimes things get thrown out to make room for others :slightly_smiling_face:


I have not forgotten about this discussion. I’ve just had a lot of things come up and as I’m starting my transition from high school into the real world I’ve started losing a lot of interest in most of my hobbies to focus on my career. I’m still on the forums and such, but my game making and even this review page will be halted. Someday I may open this back up, but this is mostly for everyone who submitted their game and never got reviewed yet. Which I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.


I’m surprised this topic never came up for me before.
Anyways, I hope you’re doing well with the transition, good luck in whatever it is you’re doing!


“Closes Until Further Notice…” hm…Well we all noticed, Well I do.