The Scepter Foundation - Refraction



I’m gonna add a new ability where the effect that is given on a person wears off either after a short period when the die is rolled again. That way it can be used repeatedly in a short timespan and will remove the idea of having abilities stacked on one user if by chance.
The die is almost indestructible so trying to weight it is impossible and if the user attempts to cheat by purposely aiming for a 20 by straight up dropping or attaching heavier objects to the bottom, the die will ignore physics and will roll a straight 1.


Subject: (Undocumented)
Marrow Matter
These entities wander the dense swamps of (REDACTED) and at first view, they appear to be normal people, but are skeleton like entities that have hollow eyes and and skull like face. Their mandible is separated into two separate pieces allowing for a larger range to open. They have sharp, but also blunt teeth that mostly tears victims rather than cutting.

These entities look almost like an entire skeleton, but also have major arteries, tendons, and strands of muscle stretched across their skeletal frame. This horrific creature seems to feed off of the bone marrow of victims including passer-byers or animals in the area.

They can be easily contained, but once taken outside of their environments and into artificial light, they become non hostile almost immediately. Soon after they simply starve from the lack of nutrition and start to dissolve in a calcium powder.

The foundation tried wiping out hundreds of these entities within the swamps, but they appear back almost as fast as they are killed. Their origin is unknown and the Foundation is unsure where they came from.

One Doctor suggested the theory that they were reanimated versions of corpses that were buries in the area. When killing them in their own area causes them to reincarnate within 24 hours. The location dated to be a historical battle-site years prior to their appearances and the corpses or the high calcium seemed to be enough for these creatures to thrive in.


Subject: (Undocumented)
Amalgamations of War

A lot of soldiers in the past years suffer from mental illnesses from the strain of war. Some have claimed to see much more than basic hallucinations.

These entities feed on the mental strain of weakened soldiers and the victims are able to envision them. Most of these entities are warborned soldiers where the uniforms, helmets, and masks have formed into their face and body. Some even had weapons that had merged into their arms. Many descriptions explain cruel and very traumatizing creatures. A mere humanoid mass that seems to poorly take the shape of soldiers and what equipment they carried. Many of them are explained as spirits that died on the field and are forever trapped in the forever ages of war, haunting and traumatizing those who come after.

Questionable Content

Some soldiers have died on the field of very violent and unknown deaths. Some died without a single scratch on their body. Some of them were still alive, but their soul was plucked from their body, leaving a hollow vessel on the field. Some of these vessels still fought the war from instinct without the soul controlling it, they later died afterwards.

The Foundation is unsure of how to contain these entities and found its a psychological illness formed by the mental strain of soldiers, but so many agents in battle and Disabled Veterans have explained the similar entities that still haunt their mind and attempted to kill them on the field. Many afterwards suffer from severe nightmares to the point of taking their own lives or dying of heart attacks to severe sleep paralysis where they scream until their voice is permanently destroyed. This entity doesn’t appear to effect the public, but only those who suffered the consequences of war or put into war-like situations to fight for ones nation.

So far there is no possible cure or way to contain this entity. The Foundation attempted to use the Dreamwalker into a suffering victim and user ended up suffering the same affects as the first victim.


I realized after making that last one that a lot of these entities are really dark, time to brighten it up a little bit.



I do know that in the game you die so I if you lose, he kills you. But if you win, he dies, and his ghost could haunt you perhaps.

The only crime he’s ever committed is indecent exposure

I wanted the bear to be a loose FNAF reference, but this is cool too

Yeah, I thought that a samurai in the modern era who acts like Leonardo DiCaprio would be interesting, but I guess it’s too silly for your game. Understandable.

Yeah, idk that much SCP lore.



The Dream Catcher: the dream catcher makes spirit and ghost entities stay away from it. It also lures good luck and more helpful entities towards it.

The Unsolvable Puzzle Cube: A unbranded rubix cube that mathematically and logically makes no sense and is impossible to solve. Some say that that the cube is a toy from a non-euclidean world.


Subject: (Undocumented)

Virtual Pets

An unknown manufacturer created small pocket sized devices that contains the code for a simple pet game where the user must take care of their virtual pets by giving them water and food.
A member of the Foundation managed to get ahold of one by an anonymous package and realized the pet was actually alive. After taking care of it in the foundations care, the pet, which appeared to be a tooned dog passed at the age of 14 years. This specific pet was named Susy and once the animal had passed of a long life, the device never functioned normally after that.
The Foundation searched the globe and managed to gather a dozen of these virtual pets.
What makes the foundation think it’s alive and that it’s not the code that programs the animals to pass away permanently was the fact that there was only a small screen powered by a long lasting battery. There was no code or mother board to even program the screen to function like it does.

The animals seem like that of regular tamed animals, which once the device is activated, the pets life begins. At a young age up until that pets max age. The device also shows the best suited environment for each animal and if the environment is prepared, the animal can survive up to a month of inactivity before needing food and water again. The environment such as natural water and food sources, plants, and a basic weather system can be altered by how the user takes care of the animal and the environment itself, leaving any one them in attended can result in the pet dying.

Once the device is activated and the pet is born, the batteries were soon taken out of the device and placed back in a day later. The animal continued on without the need of the battery and immediately needed food and water.

One animal, named Tammy, is a sea turtle that is currently 16 years old and appears to have the insanely long lifespan of regular sea turtles.

The foundation currently has a team of members that regularly check each device multiple times a day to ensure that each animal has enough food and water.

The Foundation isn’t quite sure if the animals inside these devices are really alive or simply hallucinations to play with their minds, but considering that they can be accessed with the Dreamwalker and can view each pets consciousness, it proves a good point that they can’t be advanced AI, but an organic being.

Whatever cruel manufacturer that is producing these devices are still producing them today. They are rarely found and many people randomly receive them as an anonymous package that they usually sell at garage sales or throw out without activated the device.

The dreamwalker don’t have an effect on devices that aren’t activated so it’s safe to say that these can be destroyed before an animal is born. Current investigation on this mysterious producer is undergoing, meanwhile the Foundation is currently seeking all garage sales and placed a high price on these devices before they can be activated by the consumer.


Subject: (Undocumented)

Ease of mind

(After looking into @KiwiLeaf_Entertainment ideas, they fitted really well and definitely sound like great entity ideas)

This entity is a fabric sown dream catcher that many folk lore describe that it collects the nightmares of any individual who have one above their bed as they sleep at night. You must occasionally shake it to empty it of the bad dreams.

Although this entity was thought to have the same effect, it acts much more abnormal. The dream catcher doesn’t have to be hanging above a bed frame, just equipped on your person and it prevents psychological entities and abnormal phenomenon from effecting your mental state.

Although this charm wards off entities such as Amalgamations of War and Algiophobia, it still doesn’t protect against physical entities and injuries. It also eases the users mind of any mental illnesses and supposedly clears their thoughts to allow better thinking and faster reaction time in fast paced situations.

Many volunteers put the entity in their pocket and then took a series of physical copy tests in an insanely short time period. The situation was almost impossible for a normal person to answer the questions correctly all within the time frame. The volunteer not only answered majority of the questions correctly, but had time to spare. This shows that this entity not only prevents mental illnesses, but increases brain capacity for situations that humans shouldn’t succeed in.

Other than testing, Johnathon Lawrence, First overseer, allows the use of this entity for SCU specialists on difficult missions that would give an impossible environment for the squad to work in. Which increased success rate on entity containments and mission reports.

Entities who have a physical form, but have the abilities to warp the human mind are also blocked from this item. The wearer is immune to any effects that could warp or influence their mind other than their own choice.

This safe class entity is a great tool for the Scepter Foundation. It’s mostly kept in a lockbox in Lawrence’s office when not in use.

(This actually would make a great item for the Site: 012 Incident game since it could be used to ward off Algiophobia for the rest of the gameplay.)


As of now, I forgot that Subject: 019 is actually called Dreamlifter Mk-II, not Dream walker. I figured I’d say something instead of trying to fix everything, lol.


This is an item that might be included in the game, but it’s not considered a Subject since it was produced by the Foundation.

The Dreamlifter was also created, but used the radiation of Subject: 010 to create an artificial entity.
This item is a compass that was forged to point near radiation deposits that are usually excreted from natural entities. It works similar to a normal compass that has a thin metal hand that will point towards the abnormal radiation.
Since the radiation is still quite unknown and hard to study, the compass is very far under-advanced. It don’t work long range and can only pick up entities within 50 meters of your location. Which is quite a distance and many SCU squads usually carry these devices to help locate and prevent ambushes of different entities. Although it can only detect one entity at once and will usually spin around aimlessly when there’s too many targets or none at all.

The device is still being worked on, but it works for single entity missions.

I might add this to the game to help find different entities, but most of them don’t naturally wander around other than Subject: 009 who just teleports to you during an event.


Subject: (Undocumented)

The Magician

Many magicians could probably count as entities until their tricks are discovered, but this entity is another assassin just like Orion.
They both and many other entities are apart of an organization called New Caben. Which apparently have the similar goals that Orion first showed by hunting and exterminating entities with ease.

New Caben is an other worldly group that appears to be against the “creations”. They are currently searching for one entity in particular and the Foundation assumes it’s Subject: 000.

The Magician seems like that of a normal humanoid entity but it’s face has interesting features. He’s always smiling maniacally and his eyes are always hidden underneath the brim of his black top hat.

He has insane speed and stamina, like Orion, and seems to chase and torture his victims before killing them.
He attacks by pulling out a deck of cards and usually starts by showing a trick or two to his victim while they are usually bondaged. Then he flicks the card with the strength to make it faster than a bullet which can cut straight through steel.

The cards, when thrown, change density to be that of thin titanium sheets that can be thrown at ridiculously high speeds and can cut through the toughest of materials. The cards don’t seem to be able to deteriorate or disappear once used, but The Magician seems to be able to create them from thin air.

He has been seen working alongside Orion on many occasions, but they mostly go their own separate ways. They also bear the crest of their organization that is currently indescribable. They have also been seen with many other entities that appear to be in the same organization, but are unknown and undocumented.


A lot of these ideas are currently thrown together, but I’m keeping the initial concepts.
I also just reached a total of 29 different entities which the next one will probably be a huge milestone. I still have a ton of ideas for it, but Imma take a break for now.


:clap:t2: :clap:t2:


@ManiacPumpkin im not sure if you saw this post, but i realy like the dream catcher


I literally made an entity over it, lol. It’s called Ease of Mind since dream catcher sounded a bit generic.


Subject: A

These subjects aren’t entities or have any anonymous properties, but are simply Prisoners who have committer serious crimes. (Similar to D-Class in SCP)

Subject: A’s have usually committed some crime that had put them on a list for death row, or in prison for life. Many prisons send their worst to the Foundation as expendable subjects to use for testing or baiting a variety of entities.

Prisoners also have the choice to volunteer to join the Foundation, in return, the Foundation will grant their immediate release if they cooperate.

Subject: A’s are usually separated into different categories based on what crime’s they have committed. Usually more serious tends to be tested on Sub-1 or Sub-2 entities which usually results in death during most testing periods.
Those who committed minor crimes, but punished severely in prison time will most likely interact with Safe class entities and rare occasions, Sub-1.

These expendable units help the Foundation test strange anomalies on real human subjects and how to counter and or thrive from their abilities.

Subject: B’s are Prisoners as well, but they have been either physically or mentally altered by the entities and survive. Although they don’t usually possess anomalous abilities, they can sometimes adopt hostile behaviors and most are usually terminated.
The Foundation studies these infected victims on different cures and tests different entities that can undo the permanent affects, One being Subject: 001.

Subject: C are the prisoners that have been altered, but have some sort of strange ability. They are mostly terminated since most die from the alterations, but they are usually studied the same as Subject: B’s. Some Subject: C are Subject: 010-B’s which have purposely been altered by Subject: 010. The Wystan trial had many runs on Subject: A’s before moving it strictly to agent volunteers for the decrease of Subject: C’s breaching or heavily damaging the facility from their newfound abilities.

Subject: D’s are probably the most important to the foundation. These are prisoners, agents, and civilians who have died either in testing or on the field because of an entity. The Foundation remembers every name and reason of death. They use this as a way to decrease the amount of casualties per entity encounter and try to make the world a safe place like they claim.


I forgot that Subject: 000 was a thing, so technically I have up to 30 different entities now, lol.


Well, I have a few more subject idea so I’m gonna spit them out.

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Subject: (Undocumented)

The infinite glass

This entity was actually one the very first I made years ago alongside an entity called Time and Consequences (I think that’s what it was called), basically a version of the Algiophobia entity with a bloody handprint on the screen.

Anyway this entity is a simple white glass mug that is always full of water. The water appears to be drinkable and pure and can’t be contaminated by saliva, flavor packets, or other mixtures.

The cup is always full at approximated 5.2 ounces of water at all times. It is always extremely dangerous if it were to tip over and spill on the ground. Filling up the room until it’s level with the cup. The cup appears to be buoyant and can fill up rooms completely of water.

The containment room is equipped with several drains that can intake water as fast as it is poured from the cup. Personnel assigned to guard this entity must check every hour that the cup is placed on its specialized podium and not tipped over.

The podium is equipped with a universal joint and suspension to allow the surface of the table to stabilize with the gravity of an earthquake or large vibrations were to occur, it would prevent the cup from ever tipping.

Although it’s cylindrical form makes it difficult to tip naturally, the foundation don’t want to make any mistakes.

This entity is considered Safe Class despite its ability to flood areas, the rate of flow from the cup is deadly enough for compact areas such as rooms, but if it were ever released from the foundation, it would have to be undisturbed for weeks at a time before flooding a single area.

The foundation even attempted several mission trips using the entity to give fresh water to 3rd world countries. Although these mission were debated and a few were carried. They proved successful, but the foundation feared they would lose or misplace the cup during transport.