How do you make your character switch to another sprite, (ex: My character grows wings) and make them fly, but when they touch the ground they go back to their original sprite and cant fly anymore. If you know how to do this please help!!!
Just Make It Emit The Sprite Then Destroy The Other One And The Same For When He Hits The
Ground Also A Link To Your Game Would Be Nice
You could use animation, attachments, or spawn/emit a new sprite in placement of the old one
@GrimProdutionZ (Just beta) Link:
Yeah Just Use Some Switches To Enable Flight And Animation With Wings When Hits Power Up Then Disable When Hits Ground
@GrimProdutionZ Yee, thanks!!
You Understand Right The Switch Behavior
I Can Create An Example
@GrimProdutionZ Yeah, I understand a bit, but still an example would be great
Ok Im On It Then
Is This What Your Lookin For
@GrimProdutionZ Yes, oh my gosh thank you!
No Problem