Timer Delays Keep Changing even though the number set doesn't.

I was working on the credits for my game, and every single time I play them, it needs to stop at a certain point. The only problem is, the timing is good, (I think) but it keeps changing. Sometimes, the credits stop before it even comes to the point, and sometimes, it stops way after the stopping point. It’s confusing, and is really frustrating me. One last F U from my game before I put it out. I’m not surprised. /=

@grazer, if you could help, that’d be great. (=

Hey @browngr - is this HAKK3R you’re talking about?

It is.

Hey @browngr - I’m not seeing what object actually controls the credits. Where is the credit timer logic located?

Sorry! I made the object camo with the background for… Some reason. It’s in the top left corner.

Edit: Of the credits level.