Un-Bundling Bundles and Deleting Background Objects, oh and the Random Behavior.

I put some code into a Bundle and there was no way to Unbundle it. As in, once it was in there was no way of taking it out of the Bundle. If someone puts code into a Bundle and wants to take it out, there should be a way to do so. Also, in terms of Objects, we can delete Objects in the Library for the Game World and User Interface Layer, but there is no way to delete objects in the Background Layer’s object library.

The Random Behavior ought to have a way of excluding values. Say you put the range at Min -10 and Max 10, for example. There ought to be a way of excluding values. Like if you wanted to give a Sprite a random velocity, or generate any random value, there should be a way of excluding values. It would be an optional part of Random Behavior, and the Random Behavior would function as is without the Exclusion value(s) being inputted.

For example: You set the min to -10 and max to 10. And in the exclusion you would put say, 0 & 2 & 3. Or a range -2 to 2.

Thus: In this example, the Random Behavior would generate a random value between -10 and 10 but would not generate 0, 2, or 3. Or it would not generate values between -2 to 2, including -2 and 2.

Well you could do a random 1 and 2 then filters for that and have that turn on a switch and then go to -2 or 2 :l But I like the idea to make it easier

The ability to go into the Library for the Game World Layer and the Library for the UI Layer, and delete objects, is very useful. Is there a way to delete objects in the Library for the Background Layer? Because if there is, it is not clear how to do so.

Also, I love bundling. However, say someone bundles something by accident or wants to unbundle code, is there a way to do that? If there is not, there should be a way to do so. Otherwise, theyr’e stuck with bundled code and the only way to get rid of the Bundle, if there is no way to Unbundle Bundled code, is to delete the Bundle.

Please let us delete Sprites in the Sprite Editor Browser menu. Otherwise, say we expirmenet with sprite looks. The ones we’ve experimented with pile up and eventually it’ll become unmanageable.

Also, we should be able to delete Objects in the Background Layer Object Library. Just like we can delete Objects in the Object Libraries of the Game World Layer and the UI Layer. Otherwise, objects that we create in the Background Layer, but dont want to use anymore, pile up.

:stuck_out_tongue: I guess that is the benafit to not having a non-free account :stuck_out_tongue: